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It was Thanksgiving and the humans at the Autobot base were teaching the bots about the Holiday.

And the bot were using human holoforms that Ratchet was trying to perfect. They were all working on different parts of the meal.

Optimus and Ratchet were working on the turkey with Agent Fowler. While Arcee, Windblade and Strongarm were doing the Hot Rolls with Jack and his Mom. While Bumblebee and Bulkhead where doing the sweetpotatos with Raf and Miko.

And Starscream and Knock Out were doing the pies with Shayna and DeAnn. And Smokescreen, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were doing the mashpotatos with Denny and Russell.

But unfortunately it didn't go exactly as planned.

Optimus, Ratchet and Agent Fowler were having trouble getting the turkey to cook right.

And Arcee, Strongarm, Windblade, Jack and his Mom accidentally let the yeast set to long and ended up with a big blob of dough.

Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Raf and Miko accidentally burned the sweetpotatos.

And Smokescreen, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Denny and Russell made too much of the mashpotatos.

Starscream and Knock Out were currently doing the pies with their human friends Shayna and DeAnn.

When Starscream slipped and accidentally hit Knock Out with a Coconut Cream Pie who in turn tossed a Chocolate Pie at him.

"Hey it was an accident!" Starscream hissed.

"And now we're even." Knock Out mocked.

"Not quite." Starscream said smashing a Banna Cream Pie in his face. Then Knock Out flinged an apple pie at him only for it to miss and hit Arcee who just happened to walk through the door.

"Arcee? I'm really sorry.." Knock Out started to apologize only to be cut off when she tossed a cherry pie at him only for him to dodge and have it hit DeAnn.

Who tried to retaliate by throwing a Razzle berry pie at Arcee only to miss and hit Shayna. And before long everyone was involved in an all out pie war.

Until June hit Agent Fowler with a Lemon meringue pie.

"How do you like that?" She asked playfully.

"Not bad." Agent Fowler said after tasting the pie he'd just been clobbered with.

"You know he's right." Shayna replied tasting the pie on her face and everyone else agreed then tried again.

This time the meal turned out perfect and everyone had a great Thanksgiving and were thankful to be part of such a great team.

The End.

Sorry this one was kind of short. But I wanted to do a Thanksgiving one shot and this was all I could come up with. Hope you all enjoyed it.

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