Tangled In The Web

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This story is a sequel to Come Into My Parlour. But it can also stand on its own just fine. With that out of the way on with the story.

Starshine was in her room she was upset and had been crying because she and Starscream had had an argument the week before and she had told her uncle she hated him.

She didn't mean it and felt so bad that she had grounded herself to her room and was trying to think of a way to apologise to him.

Then she heard a knock on the door it was her Dad Sky Fire.

"I heard you crying sweetspark what's wrong?" He asked her concerned not liking to see his daughter upset.

"Me and Uncle Starscream had a fight and I said something I shouldn't have." She said. Then explained everything to her Dad.

"I don't know how to apologise to him but really want too." She added.

"Well the best way is to just go to him and say you sorry." Sky Fire told her. "You can stay with him for awhile till the two of you have worked things out."

"That's a good idea thanks Dad." She said it him.

"Hey what are Dads for." He told her before they hugged.

Starshine got some of her thing and headed out to Starscream's place after telling her parents she would be back in two days.

Starshine was on her way to Starscream's house when she accidentally bumped into someone.

She started to apologise but to her horror saw it was Arachnid who still had one arm missing from where Knock Out got her with his saw when she had tried to kill him and Starscream awhile back.

"Oh yes I do recall Starscream having a neice." Arachnid said now seeing a way she could get revenge on the seeker.

"Come with me little one." She added.

"No thanks spider psycho!" Starshine yelled before making a break for it.

But unfortunately she wasn't fast enough to avoid Arachnid's webs and Arachnid caught her.

Meanwhile Starscream was at his home thinking of the fight he had with Starshine and feeling bad about it.

When he suddenly got a call from his sister Solarflare.

"Hi how are things going with you and Starshine?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" Asked Starscream feeling confused.

"She wanted to go stay with you to make up after your fight." Solarflare explained.

"She never got here." Starscream reply now feeling worried. "I'm going out to look for her now."

Then after hanging up he rushed out the door to look for his neice.

After a while of looking for Starshine. Starscream got worried about her she had never had any trouble getting to his house or gotten lost on the way there before.

He knew something was definitely wrong so he called some friends to help look for her.

But while he was speaking with them he heard screams and recognized his neice's voice. So hung up and took off in the direction of the screams.

And kept running till he came to an abandon building and rushed inside it hearing the screams were coming from in there.

And to his horror he saw Starshine tied up in webbing on the floor and Arachnid was standing over her holding a knife to her throat.

"Starscream I thought you would come to save your neice." Arachnid said in a mocking tone.

"Leave her alone she's only a child it me you want not her!" Starscream pleaded.

"But I know she important to you and what better way to take my revenge on you?" Arachnid said coldly.

Then she started using her acid on Starshine's wings making the young seeker cry out in pain.

Never in his life had Starscream felt so powerless. He wanted to help Starshine not being able to stand hearing or seeing her in pain.

Every scream she let out felt like a dagger stabbing his spark.

He wanted to save her but was afraid to move any closer because Arachnid was still holding the knife to her throat. And Starscream was terrified that she would use it.

But luckily Arcee and Tigers Eye both should up with their weapons out. Now feeling out numbered and becoming desperate Arachnid start to cut Starshine's throat.

But fortunately Tigers Eye shot the knife out of her servo.

"That was for my cosin Tailgate!" He yelled.

Knowing she was out numbered Arachnid grabbed Starshine and went for the ceiling planning to get away with the young seeker as a hostage.

But right when Arachnid thought she was going to escape she suddenly felt something zap her and feel to the ground stunned.

"That was for Breakdown." Said Knock Out as he twirled his energon prob that he had just zapped her with. He had gone around a back entrance for the element of surprise.

"What took you?" Asked Arcee.

"I decided to be fashionably late." Knock Out replied. "You know make an entrance."

"It sounded like you got lost when you called to ask me for directions to the building." Tigers Eye smirked.

"Yeah that may have also played a hand in it." The red medic reply sheepishly.

Then Starscream went over and cut Starshine loose. Only to have her burry her faceplates in his chest crying.

"I'm so sorry for the fight and what I said I don't hate you I never could your my uncle and I love you." She sobbed.

"It's OK I'm sorry for the fight too." Starscream said hugging his neice. "And I'm just glad your alright."

And the two seekers continued to hug and make up.

Awhile later the Police and Sunray showed up. The police took Arachnid away. While Sunray treated Starshine's wings.

"Your wings should be fine and heal within a couple of days." Sunray told Starshine. And advised her to take it easy and not fly very much until they healed.

And everyone was relieved that Starshine would be fine and was safe.

And later Starscream and Starshine called Skyfire and Solarflare and told them what happened and they all agreed that it would be best to have someone go with Starshine if she needed to go somewhere to make sure nothing like this would happen again in the future.

And within the following weeks Arachnid was tried and sentenced to death for all her crimes. And everyone was glad that she wouldn't be able to hurt anyone again.

The End.

This sqecul to my one shot Come Into My Parlour was requested by hannahconkle. And this was really her idea so credit for this one goes to her. And Starshine, Solarflare, Tigers Eye and Sunray are all her OCs that she let me use.

Be sure to check out her work its really great.

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