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There once lived a mech named Starscream who had a wicked stepsire name Megatron and and two wicked stepbrothers name Shockwave and Soundwave.

One day they heard there was going to be a ball because princess Windblade was looking for a Conjunx Endure.

"Wish I could go to the ball." Thought Starscream. "Wait it says all mechs are to attend and I'm a mech so surly they can't argue with that."

So he went to ask Megatron if he could go.

"Ok Starscream you can came to the ball if you can make yourself presentable and fly with us." Megatron told him.

"Ok thank you." Starscream told him as he went to get ready.

But little did Starscream know Megatron really had no intention of letting him go.

So Megatron had Shockwave turn a swarm of scraplets loose in Starscream's room.

All the poor seeker knew was one minute he'd been polishing himself and had just gotten his frame shiney and the next he was being attacked by several scraplets who were trying to eat him alive.

He ran out calling for help with some of the scraplets still chomping on his wing. "Please get them off!" He practically sobbed since they were really hurting his wings.

"Soundwave." Megatron said to the silent mech. And nodded in a way that said you know what to do.

Then Soundwave wrapped his tenticoles around Starscream then used the end of one of them to send electricity through Starscream's body but the scraplets were unaffected. And poor Starscream felt all of it.

"Please get them off." Starscream cried weakly. But Megatron let them chew on the now stunned seeker for a total of five minutes which felt like hours to Starscream. Before he finally sprayed some fire repellant on him which got rid of the scraplets.

"I'm afraid you'll have to stay home Starscream not only are your wings currently unfit to fly but you frame is a mess." Megatron told him in a mocking tone. "But someone needs to stay and do all the work and cleaning around here after all it all your good for."

Starscream was too sore and shaking to hard to even reply. So Megatron, Soundwave and Shockwave left him laying in the middle of the floor.

And as soon as they closed the door behind them the poor seeker broke down in coolant tears.

Starscream finally decided to attempt to get off the floor a few minutes later only to fall back down because his wings had been badly damaged by the scraplets and it was throwing off his balance.

"Wow talk about a fashion disaster." He heard a voice say. Then noticed a red mech looking down at him and examining his frame. Which was currently covered in dents and scratches and still had some fire repellant on it.

"Who are you? And How did you get in here?" Asked Starscream.

"I'm Knock Out your fairy god sire." Knock Out explained. "I'm here to fix you up to go to the ball and all that jazz."

"Wait Jazz isn't in this story." Said Starscream. "And you really think you can fix me?"

"Yes your really damaged but I enjoy a project." Knock Out told him before he took out a wand and fixed Starscream damage.

"Ok check yourself out and tell me what you think." Said Knock Out.

"Wow great job I love it." Starscream told him. "Thank you."

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