Haunted Happenings

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It was just another day on Cybertron, It was almost Halloween everyone was decorating and getting ready for the spooky season.

Bumblebee and his team had just arrived on Cybertron to calibrate Halloween with the other cybertronians, they were going to stay at the base where several members of team prime were staying along with some of the Decepticons who had switched sides, They decided to stop by the hospital and visit Ratchet and Knock Out.

"Hi." Bumblebee greeted the two medics as they entered the building.

"Hello nice to see you all again." Ratchet said upon seeing them, Knock Out was currently working on something down the hallway.

"Oh scrap!" They all heard Knock Out yell. "Ratchet it's doing it again!"

"Not again!" Ratchet groaned as he went back to where Knock Out was and Bumblebee and his team followed and could here a song playing about it raining tocoes.

"What's going on and what's up with that song?" Asked Sideswipe. "It's surprisingly catchy."

"Oh someone thought that it would be hilarious to make a computer virus as a prank it's been effecting random computers all over Cybertron and play's a music video with that song that gets stuck in your head on an hour loop and if you try to click out of it, It either takes you to the tapdancing monkey gif or gifs of cats." Knock Out explained.

"Wow but don't they know that's dangerous to do that to a hospital computer I mean what if you guys need to do something important on it?" Strongarm asked feeling concerned.

"Fortunately that's why we have back up computers that connect to their own signal so no one is in danger and it's just really annoying." Ratchet told them, And they were all relieved.

Then Megatron entered the hospital and explained that for some reason he kept waking up really sore and covered in dents.

"What happened to you?" Asked Bulkhead who happened to walk in.

"I don't know but I keep waking up this way." Megatron told them. "It's been going on for the past week."

"A lot of strange stuff has been happening this week that no one can explain." Said Ratchet. "And all at the Autobot base."

"Like what?" Asked Bumblebee.

"Well Megatron's been waking up sore and with dents,"

"Skywarp and Thundercracker who we let move into the base with Starscream are fighting with each other because their both sure the other one keeps stealing their stuff because their things keep turning up in the other one's room but both seekers insist they don't know how it there,"

"The lights keep flickering and the doors keep opening and closing randomly, And I've been recharging in my alt mode because my berth broke and I'm still waiting for it to get fixed but I've been waking up freshly waxed because I kept slipping on it when I transform which is the only downside to the last one because I look shiny and fabulous." Knock Out finished explaining.

"And puddles of energon has been showing up randomly on the floor each morning." Added Smokescreen who had just walked in.

"And I've been going to recharge in my berth and then waking up in random and odd places." Starscream chimed as he entered the room.

"Wait Knock Out how did your berth break?" Asked Bumblebee.

"Well you see it kind of a funny story." Knock Out started to explain.


Knock Out was in his berth room at the Autobot base seated in a chair reading a datapad, When he suddenly heard some sounds coming from the hall.

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