Of Stalkers And Cybercats

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This story takes place after my story Target.

It was a normal day on Cybertron for Starscream he had just gotten up and went to get a cube of energon. Then heard a knock at the door and went to answer it.

But no one was there and there was a package left at the door step. Starscream looked it over and saw that it was addressed to him but it wasn't signed.

He opened it and there was a crown inside alone with some energon sweets.

"Wonder who sent me this and why?" Starscream asked himself. "Well it sure was nice of them." He added trying the crown on.

Just then his com-link went off and he answer it and heard a femme laughing on the other end before it cut off.

"Ok that was odd." Starscream told himself. Then decided to call Knock Out and tell him what was going on.

"Hi Knock Out this is Starscream." He said over the com-link. Then told his best friend what just happened.

"So she was just laughing sounds like a nutcase." Said Knock Out after Starscream finished telling him what happened. "I hope it's just a secret admirer and not a stalker they can be crazy and sometimes dangerous."

"I don't think it's anything to worry about." Starscream told his friend. "And I'll be careful."

"Good after what happened when I got mysterious calls during the whole Nightwolf miss I think you better take it seriously." Knock Out warned the seeker not wanting him to end up in danger if he was dealing with some kind of psychopath.

"Don't worry I'll be careful and call the police if things get real." Starscream promised.

"I'm dealing with a mystery of my own." Knock Out told him. "Highjinx keeps disappearing then reappearing at the oddest times and she's acting strange." He explained while petting his Cybercat on the other end of the com-link.

"That is strange." Starscream agreed.

"And I can't for the life of me figure out where she keeps going." The Austin Martin continued. "Oh and Starscream it's important that in case this femme your dealing with is dangerous if she sends you any energon don't consume any of it."

"Yeah of course eating or drinking anything from an unknown sender is always a bad idea." Starscream said as he quickly tossed away an energon sweet he had been just about to put in his mouth when Knock Out said that.

Then the two said goodbye and hung up.

Later that night at Knock Out's place. Knock Out had been recharging when he heard a crash and went to the door where he found Highjinx trying to get in.

Knock Out opened the door for the cybercat who had knocked over a trash can trying to get to the window.

"How did you even get outside?" The cherry colored mech asked. As he started to pick her up to take her in.

But she hissed at him then bolted inside past him.

"What was that about? She's never hissed at me before." He  thought before going back in and closing the door behind him. "She's been acting so strange lately."

Feeling tired he went back to recharge.

Meanwhile at Starscream's house he had been trying to recharge but kept jumping at every sound and shadow afraid it might be his stalker trying to break in.

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