Race For Your Life Part 1

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One day on Cybertron the Autobots got a transmission from Override on Velocitron. She informed them that racers were being killed at an alarming rate.

Some of them had disappeared only to turn up dead days later with parts missing. And others were being killed or injured in mysterious accidents. So she had called the Autobots for help.

So Optimus Prime had sent Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Blurr, Sideswipe and Knock Out undercover as racers to get to the bottom of things. Since Knock Out and Blurr were both from Velocitron they could tell the others how to blend in.

Ratchet had also come to Velocitron in case they needed another medic because Knock Out couldn't use his medical skills with out possibly blowing his cover because demonstrating medical skills might make other racers suspicious of him. So Ratchet had come as a volunteer medic.

I just registered what about you guys?" Asked Bumblebee over his com-link. The team was making a point not to be seen together to avoid suspicion. They thought it would be a good idea to pretend not to know each other so if one of them was found out the others would still be able to continue with the investigation.

"I'm in too." Knock Out replied.

"Me too." Chimed Blurr.

"And so I'm I." Added Smokescreen.

"I'm also registered so we're all in the Speedea 500." Said Sideswipe. "This is gonna be sweet."

"I know right I've been in the Speedea 500 before it's a lot of fun." Blurr told him over the com-link.

"Yes but remember why we're here guys Override thinks someone is murdering racers so we need to be on guard and alert so we can stop whoever is doing it and make sure none of us end up being targets." Bumblebee told them. "So we need to keep a low profile."

Just then they all looked and saw Knock Out next to the track where a paparazzi that interviewed all the racers were taking pictures of him and he was posing for them.

"Yes that's it make sure you get my good side." Said Knock Out who flashed a peace sign to some of the cameras.

"So much for keeping a low profile." Bumblebee groaned.

"That's Knock Out for you always showing off." Smokescreen said with a chuckle.

Then it was time for the first race there were several races before the main race the Speedea 500 which would be in seven days because it was a week long event. They had all registered for the Speedea but the other races were optional and really just practice runs.

So Sideswipe and Blurr were the only two of the Autobots who were participating in the first one. While Bumblebee, Smokescreen and Knock Out were just watching form different places on the stands.

Blurr was in the lead for most of the first race but Sideswipe suddenly and surprisingly took the lead much to everyone's surprise even Sideswipe's because Blurr was the fastest of them so Sideswipe didn't really expect to overtake him. After the shock wore off Sideswipe got a little cocky.

"Hey check it out I'm winning!" "Oh yeah!" The red lamborghini exclaimed. But then he forgot to watch where he was going and literally hit the wall hard which forced him to transform to his cybertronian mode. Then he just laid there and much to everyone's horror he wasn't getting back up.

Blurr and several other concerned racers stopped and ran over to make sure he was OK but could tell he was badly injured.

"Ratchet Sideswipe just had a serious accident in the race and needs medical attention now!" Bumblebee told Ratchet who he called on his com-link in a panicked tone.

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