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"Kook, you still didn't answer my question"

Jungkook puts his head up from the phone after hearing Taehyung's question, as much as he remembers Taehyung didn't ask him a single question this whole day.

"What question Hyung"

With a small sigh, the older unlocked his phone, tap to an app and show something to the younger clearing his thoughts, it was a post in Instagram that Jungkook posted last night after talking with Jisoo.

With a small sigh, the older unlocked his phone, tap to an app and show something to the younger clearing his thoughts, it was a post in Instagram that Jungkook posted last night after talking with Jisoo

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"Who is this girl, Kookie" Taehyung ask with a teasing smirk but in a reply he got a smirk from Jungkook.

"Thank you for reminding me Hyung" he said before standing up and walking towards a room who belong to his Jimin and J-hope hyung.

He shrugged his shoulders seeing them laughing like crazy looking at their phones, he approached them and steal their phones.

"What the heck Jungkook, give me my phone back" jimin hissed at the younger and tried to take his phone back but Jungkook was more stronger.

Jhope on the other hand swallowed his saliva, knowing why Jungkook came here, how can he forget the thing that he and Jimin did yesterday.

"Jungkook, mind telling us why are you stealing our phones" jimin snapped making the younger rolled his eyes.

"First, mind telling me whose number you both gave me yesterday!!" he snapped back, taehyung who was silently listening them felt confused and amused too on what Jimin and jhope have done to jungkook.

When Jimin was going to lie, jhope put a hand on his shoulder giving him a look of tell-him-the-truth, jimin sighed before facing the younger "We were just having some fun kook, why are you so angry" he ask.

"I'm not angry Hyung, I just want to know whose number you gave me yesterday" he ask again rolling his eyes and making his lips into a thin line.

Before Jimin can answer jhope said "Who knows, actually it was jin's mother bestfriend daughter number" he began, and gulped seeing the younger looking at him with a death glare "We don't know her name, as much jin tell us she is like his sister and surprisingly she is also our fan"

"Daebak, is she beautiful, can I have a chance on her" Taehyung barged in clapping his hands one time earning are-you-serious glares from his friends.

"But she never got to met us, and uh....we just want you to communicate with girls so we jus-" jimin just stop speaking knowing Jungkook have understand everything.

"But please can anyone tell me what's going on here" Taehyung ask rolling his eyes.

10 minutes later.

Jungkook face heat up as he heard his three Hyungs laughing their heart out, after hearing the conversation of that girl and Jungkook from Jungkook himself, the only thing he wanna do now was to hide in a corner and sleep.

"Stop it hyung" he snapped annoyed crossing his arms.

"Ok, but at least call her and say sorry" taehyung managed to say between his laughters as he hold his stomach.


"Really jisoo, so you like me too" jinyoung ask again to confirm he heard right or wrong as he bit his lower lip impatiently. As a reply Jisoo nodded shyly keeping her head low hiding her blushing cheeks.

She puts her head up when she felt someone hugging her and it happens to be her boyfriend, without wasting a second she hugs him back with a cute chuckle.

"Jisoo, you didn't take this decision in a hurry right, if you want some more time than I ca-" jinyoung was cut of when he felt a finger in his lips.

"No, jinyoung I lo-love you too" she says before giving him a sweet and cute smile.

The next thing, she knows after that was that, jinyoung wrapped his hand around her waist pulling her closer to him, jisoo didn't stop him she wants to make this happen as well.

When their lips was very near and about to touch, Jisoo's phone ring causing her boyfriend to move some steps away from her.

"Sor-sorry, I guess I have t-to g-go now" he stuttered before running away from the school rooftop out of embarrassment.

Jisoo giggle looking at him, before rolling her eyes, she really was going to kill that person who disturb her at this moment. She fished out her phone from her pocket before picking it up without looking at the caller ID.


Hello, I'm sorry.

Jisoo quickly recognized that voice, she was pretty sure that it was the same person as yesterday, who interrupted her thoughts 'Now what he wants'.

Aren't you the one who
call me yesterday.

What do you want.

I just call you to say
sorry about yesterday.

So you realize you
were wrong yesterday Mr.Stranger.

Miss, it's not about
whose mistake was
that, my mistake was
just that I dialed on a wrong

And you shouldn't also
talk to someone that rudely.

Listen, Mr.Stranger I'm
not in the mood to fight
with you, can we fight
some other day.

Sorry, I call you
to say sorry not to
fight miss.

And we are never going
to talk again.

Now by-.

Don't even think about
hanging up.

Yesterday you interrupted
my thoughts and today
arghh, you interrupted my-.

I'm gonna get revenge.

For now, there is no
way you can get revenge.

And it was not my intention
to interrupt you any thing, I

Yah yah, you just
call to say sorry I get it.

You can hang up but
remember I'm going to get

Call ended.

Jisoo didn't delete the stranger number, she instead save it with the name of Mr.Stranger, for God's sake he interrupted her special moments, not only one time but for two freaking times.

Jisoo decided to call him someday and take her revenge who only one time again and again.

'Just wait, Mr.Stranger until I call you'

To be Continued--

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