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It's been a month since Jungkook and Jisoo came to know their real identity and unexpectedly they really get along very well; even in the company. Sometimes Bts came to visit them or sometimes Jisoo along with the girls goes to visit them in their dorm.

Currently too they were in the way back from the company going to bts dorm, it was the third time they were going to visit them.

And although Lisa, Jennie and Rose already know them, they were squealing like crazy fangirls going to meet their idols for the first time. They have no idea how much Jisoo was pissed right now, she was so much tired of telling them to stop jumping in the street.

For God's sake people were calling them crazy.

"C'mon Jisoo for petite's sake we are going to meet our idols, the one we freaking love so much" Jennie said keeping a strand of her hair behind her ear in which the other two girls nod and the other one sighed.

"We have met them for two times already right; and this would be the third time so" She added rolling her eyes.

Jennie opened her mouth to answer but Lisa was quick to cut off, saying in a teasing tone "That only count for us unnie, we don't know if this is the fifth or tenth time you are going to meet them"

Jisoo smacked the younger shoulder as she quickly send a death glare to the other two who was giggling. They were too much to handle for Jisoo.

Seriously if they didn't stop than for sure they will go to hell and she will go to jail.

"So unnie how is your friend Jungkook" Rose asked giving a side glance to Jisoo. She was teasing her but she made sure her voice sound serious.

"How do i know how he us....he must be fine tough"

Rose face palmed as she quickly spoke, "That's not what i meant"

"That what do you mean" Jisoo asked confused.

"I mean how is Jungkook not how he us doing"

"I still didn't understand" She stated simply.

The three attention averted to Lisa as she cleared her throat, "Unnie Rose meant how is Jungkook. I mean how is he, his behavior....and all" She tried to explain and as if agreeing Rose nodded.

"Oh....he's good, everything about him is good....."

"You guys know i have never thought that the one i have been texting as Mr.Stranger would be the famous kpop star Jeon Jungkook for whom ever girl can die for. He wasn't shy when we talk or text but,

when we met in person for the first time, he was unbelievable. He was shy as it's mention in youtube videos by fans who have met him. Everything the other fans say about Jungkook was true,

But he was someone with a good heart and so much cute like a bunny. Seriously the girl who will get to he his life partner would be damn lucky. And as someone as good Jungkook we can't blame him if someone got jealous of him."

After her not so long speech about Jeon Jungkook she turned to look at her friends who was giving her teasing looks, a look that she know every well. It was the you-seem-very-close-to-him look.

She rolled her eyes and quickly looked away on the other side of the street not wanting her friends to see her red cheeks. She herself can't beleive that she gave a long speech about Jungkook. A 'he's good' must be fine right.

"Ah, Jisoo unnie There's still some time left until we reach their dorm so why don't you tell us the story of what what you do when you first met Jungkook, i mean the day you came to know this jk's real identity. It will be fun" Lisa requested after some moments of silence between them.

"Is it necessary to tell that" Jisoo asked rolling her eyes not sparing a glance to her friends"

"Why not, it's not like you both do some spicy thing that night right. you?" Jennie asked smirking, she knew it was the best way to convince her best friend.

"Of course we didn't" Jisoo retorted back muttering something under her breath then sighed after a second and gave up,"Fine fine i will"


A month ago
The day Jk and Chu came to know their real identity.

Jisoo and Jungkook was walking side by side on the street where the voices of shops owners speaking about the things that they were selling to the costumers could be heard as well as the voices of people speaking to their phones.

Everyone was busy, it was like they were the only one who has nothing to do other than walking in the night with silence.

The silence was peaceful as they just walked to wherever their foots were taking them. They really didn't mine the silence though or should i comprehend this as, they were busy enjoying each other company.

It was a night walk where two people whom have never met like this before were just walking, their hands sometimes brushing with each other as they walked.

It was such a peaceful moment.

After some more moments of silence, Jisoo spoke cause as much they want to be silent and enjoy the momeny, they just can't. By whatever or however, one of them have to broke it.

"Ahh Jk-...i mean Jungkook-ssi"

"H-huh, Yes"

"Where do you want to go" She asked awkwardly as she played with her fingers seriously.

"Anywhere but there shouldn't be too much crowd" Jungkook spoke as he fix his mask instantly realizing that where they were right now where too much people and if anyone of them recognize him, it would be worst.

Looking him from the corner of her eyes, Jisoo understand of what he meant and nodded slowly. Her mind thinking of a place where they could go but nothing came in mind.

"Jungkook-ssi why don't you suggest a place"

Jungkook look at Jisoo and gave her a small smile although Jisoo can't tell if he was smiling or not because of the mask. She can just feel he was.

"First why don't we buy ourselves some ice cream than i know a bridge where we can go and watch the stars peacefully. It's night so no one would be there....but if only you want to go there" Jungkook said as he eyed the small ice cream stall some blocks away from them.

Jisoo giggled and keep a strand of hair behind her hair before she replied, "I really love watching stars, Jungkook-ssi. So let's go there"



"We are here" Jisoo quickly said as Bts dorm came in sight and before the other girls can say anything to continue the story, she quickly ran away from there towards the bts dorm.

Leaving the girls there chuckling and giggling.

"Guys what do you think. Will Jisoo and Jungkook-ssi look good as a couple" Jennie asked staring at Jisoo's back.

"Yeah they will" Rose said as a small giggle escape her lips.

"They really seem like a couple mnade in heaven"

To be Continued--

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