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"What favor do you want from me Jungkook-ssi"

Jisoo was taken aback when Jungkook place his index on her lips motioning her to keep her voice low, her heart was beating so fast that she had to keep her hand on her chest to calm it down.

When Jungkook realized what he was doing he quickly removed his finger from her lips and shoved it under her pocket----, he look down at the floor closing his eyes tightly regretting his past actions, he can feel his ears and cheeks turning into a shade of pink, he was never good around girls actually.

After the shameful incident there was an awkward silence between the two that no one dares to broke. As a men Jungkook wanted to broke it first  and he tried too but his mouth always shut himself, as I told he was never good around girls.

After three damn minutes, Jungkook started with a small sigh "So, you know if a fan came to know that I came here and was talking with you..." he pause hesitating to say next words "Then they will probably make some dating news about us so I just want that-"

"You want me to don't tell anyone about this meeting right" she ask with a warm smile that make the poor boy heart flutter, and his gaze softened.

He nodded and smile back shyly which Jisoo found a really cute.

Just to broke this beautiful moment Jisoo's phone ring, as she look at her phone and without second thoughts she pick it up.

"Yah Mom I'm coming" she muttered to her phone and hang it up----, she shot Jungkook an apologetic look and blurted out "Sorry I have to leave now it was a nice meeting you"

"It was nice meeting you too"

She flashed the boy a smile and walk up to the cashier not caring that Jungkook was still staring at her unconscious. Jisoo gave the bill to cashier and walk to the entrance.

Jungkook came back to reality when Jisoo turned back at him and lastly wave her hand at the air biding him goodbye which he quickly reply by waving his hand back with a smile.

'She was cute' He thought when her figure was out if sight but in next second he shook his head and look for some other noodles.


After buying his noodles he came out of the convenient store feeling quite impressed by himself. Actually whenever he talk to some stranger girl face to face he would feel nervous and stutter, but today was different. When he met Jisoo yes he felt nervous but not much and he didn't even stutter.

His smiling face was change into a frown when a bit familiar voice of a girl shouting rang in her ears.


Today was completely like a fanfiction or kdrama to Kim Jisoo's life. At first she met her bias wrecker of her favorite kpop group and second she get to talk with him, and now in this dark street where there was only  the light of the moon. In the middle of five gangster who was looking at her hungrily as if she was their today's meal, she gulped her saliva.

No way to escape or to ran since she was in the middle of them. A small faint smile faint in her lips when they came near her and about to attack her. She was scared yet she didn't saw it.

If it was her last day of living than it was also the best and memorable day in her life. If she will die today than she want to die happily and smiling thinking about her dear ones.

"Are you guys going to kill me"

Five laughs and smirks was heard as if it was the song of her last day "After eating you maybe we will" one of the man said coming closer and was about to rip off her clothes.

Jisoo close her eyes tightly and in that some seconds she think of all her wishes.....that she dream of.

'So I wouldn't be able to marry with jinyoung'

'So my wish of going to bts live concert will never happened'

'My wish of playing with my childs and grandchildren will also not-'

"Leave that girl right now"

A very familiar recognizable voice interrupted her so called session of 'thoughts'-----, she quickly open her eyes and her gaze softened seeing him, there he stood grabbing the back coller of the person who was about to touch Jisoo aka 'Jeon Jungkook'.

"Now who are you" one of them ask smirking "Don't tell me you come to save this girl"

a smirk itself form on Jungkook's lips as he punched the man face and kick his stomach making him fall on the ground bleeding. Jungkook's actions completely shut their mouth as they steal glances and ran away carrying the bleeding guy.

Right now, Jisoo wanted to ran to Jungkook and hugged him just like a movie but she just stood there looking at Jungkook as she mouthed a dry 'Thank you'.


Incoming call
'The stranger girl'


Hello, aren't you that
stranger and rude girl.

Have to call to take a

Not really, but you can
think it as a revenge if you

I just want to talk to someone.


Don't you have friends.

Cool dude, I just wanna
talk to someone who I don't
know, not to my close ones.

And my mind only mention
to talk to you.

We can talk, but don't
be rude.

I also want someone to talk.

I will not.


But I will not tell you all

I promise someone.

So uh friends.



To be Continued--

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