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It's really sucks when you have thousands of things in your mind and want to express it to someone but there is no one to, yet there is everyone. Sometimes we want to share our feelings to someone we didn't know not to our dear or close ones.

It same goes to Kim Jisoo right now, she want to express her feelings, express how happy she is with Jinyoung, and how happy she was when he propose her.

She was currently sitting on her bed looking at the phone number which was save as 'Mr.Stranger' by herself. This stranger was the only person to whom she can share her feelings as a revenge or something.

With a deep breath and with all her courage she was about to call him when....

"Jisoo come, lunch is ready" The voice of her mother rang in her ears, and with a sigh she kept a strand of hair behind her ear before heading downstairs.

This was happening everytime. It's been a week since she tried to call him, but whenever she tries someone would always disturb her but she was not going to give up that soon.

'Guess for now I have to focus on mine and Jinyoung date'


3:17 pm.

It was the time that was shown on Jungkook's phone, as he again started to check the social media, commenting on some posts that armys posted in weverse.

He was so busy in his phone that he didn't realize, that someone open his room door and came in without his permission. Jungkook look up when some footsteps were coming near and saw his Jin Hyung.

"What's up hyung" he asked closing his phone and sitting on the bed waiting for the older to speak something.

The older sat beside him and pat his shoulder twice "Jungkook-ah,  sometimes you should go out of the dorm too" he said.

"Hyung I'm not a child I know that too" he stated proudly scrunching his nose "And I was also thinking of going on a walk after some hours"

"Great, anyway kook do me a favor" he stated with hopeful eyes which the younger cannot deny.


"Actually, I was looking for some noodles in the refrigerator earlier but I found none" he said shaking his head dissapointly "Jimin or yoongi must have eat it, so I want you to grab some snacks from the convenient store when you go out"

"Ok hyung I will, but for now give me something to eat I'm hungry" jungkook said with his pleadings eyes earning a smack from Jin in the shoulder.

"You childs are same, always want something in return" jin said folding his arms but after a second he wink at the younger "Anyway I made pancakes, go eat other must be waiting for you" he added, and in a second jungkook was nowhere to seen.

'These child, I don't know what will happen when he will get a girlfriend'


The doe eyes boy look at the convenient store infront of him before fixing his masks in order no one would recognize him, if it  did, then they will release some statement like he is dating and he was coming there to meet some girl.

After 5 minutes of searching he saw the noodles corner, and with a sigh he headed towards there.

His eyes were confused, looking at the different varieties of noodles. As much as he remembers Jin didn't told him any flavour so any flavour will be ok.

However, his eyes landed on the chicken noodles and without wasting a second he grabbed it  looking at the ingredients. After checking it he decided to take it and some other flavours.

He reach for another chicken noodles, but when he touch that,  a white soft hand of a girl was also on it which caught him off guard. He took some steps backs and fixes his mask before bowing his head to that whoever girl.

"I'm so sorry, I haven't seen you it's my mistake" he apologized keeping his head low silently praying that the girl didn't recognize him, but what was he wishing and how can it be true, his hand which was tattooed army was not even hiding so Ofcourse the girl recognize him.

"Bts Jungkook" the girl whispered shocked but was enough for Jungkook to hear making him swallowed his saliva and put his head up.

The girl was too shocked seeing the Maknae of the famous kpop group Bts that she didn't saw his nervous stare. Who would have thought to met them it was just like a desire. Only lucky people get to meet them.

"Please, don't shout" jungkook pleaded bringing the girl back from her thoughts as she sweetly smile at the boy knowing his situation.

"Don't worry Jungkook-ssi, I'm not like that crazy fans I will not shout" that girl said still that sweet smile lingering on her heart shape lips making Jungkook heart flutter for a second. "Anyway hi I'm Kim Jisoo" she said and approached her hand for a handshake which Jungkook quickly accepted.

"You already know my name, but hi it's nice to meet you" he said, his lips smiling under the mask which Jisoo cannot see. "Thank you so much for not shouting, and please do me a favor" he added.

"Sure, anything for the Maknae of my favorite kpop group" the girl happily stated, keeping a strand of hair behind her ear.

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