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"Unnie, are you sure you will be okay. What work do you have anyway, we can wait" Rose asked concern, as the three girls looks at their friend worriedly.

Jisoo shook her head with a smile "No you three must be tired. I will go back myself, you can go" She reassured.

After some more attempt to stay with Jisoo, they gave up and left her alone in front of the company. The sun was about to set and Jisoo patiently waited for the time of their meeting.

Every minute she glance at her clock as she gets nervous by every passing seconds; it was almost time when they decided to met.


The called girl turned around and saw the maknae of her favorite kpop group and as their eyes came in contact she smile at him and in return he smile back. But no one shared a word as they stare at each other not knowing how to start a friendly conversation.

"W-what are you doing here, Jisoo-ssi, the other trainees have already went home at 5:00 right, and it's almost 5:30 now..."

Jungkook started and mentally cursed himself for stuttering at first; if he act like this than the first impression in front of his online friend will be ruined right.

"Am...i was waiting for a friend, what about you Jungkook-ssi" Jisoo ask with a soft yet breath taking smile in her heart shape pink lips.

"Same" Was the only reply he gave, even if he wanted to say more nothing came in his mind.

"Where are you going to meet your friend Jungkook-ssi" Jisoo asked after a moment of silence.

"In front of that convenient store" He replied pointing at store few blocks away from them.

A Jisoo followed his finger and saw where he was pointing, she didn't get the chance from replying "Me and my friend are meeting there too"

They both look at each other surprised, they met each other there it can be called as coincidence, they are there to meet a friend, it can a be coincidence too, but at the same place same time.

It wasn't just a coincidence, they knew it. As they recall each other meetings talks and everything, it all somehow makes sense. And their unknown online friends with whom they always talk and text with.

It all were somehow connected. By every passing seconds they knew everything. No words were shared as they just stare at each other.

Jungkook opened his mouth but there was nothing to say everything was crystal clear now. He closed his mouth and smiled instead, Jisoo can't really tell if he was smiling or not by his mask.

After a minute of peaceful silence, they both called each other by their nicknames at the same time,


In the middle of the road they both shared a small laugh and expressed each other how surprised they both were. And as that, they enjoyed each other company that night; going on a night walk and eating ice cream.

Well, of course Jungkook hide his appearance behind his mask and cap. They were currently standing in the middle of a bridge, staring at the ask.

There was no one on that bridge so it was kinda peaceful. With no fear of any fangirls or their identities being exposed.

"I never thought you will be Chu"

"Me too. To think you will be jk" Jisoo giggled not averting her attention from the bright stars. She was failed to notice the light blush in Jungkook's cheeks.

"R-remember what you promise"  Jungkook ask turning to Jisoo with gleaming yet nervous eyes.

Jisoo turn to look at him with raised eyebrows confused "What promise"

"That even if you came to know my real identity, you will still behave the same to me as when we were strangers" He said or like murmered after a disgusting sigh and turn away to look somewhere else.

Jisoo giggled seeing him like that, of course she remembers; she was just kidding. Maybe she was surprised at knowing her online friend was one and only Jeon Jungkook.

But there is no way she can live without texting with Jungkook.

"I was just kidding, Jk. Don't be mad" She pouted nudging his shoulder and almost laugh seeing him blush a little. Every army was right, he was so shy around girls.

Jungkook turned to face Jisoo quickly after getting out of his little blush section. Both of their eyes widened by the close proximity, as no one move an inch.

One wrong move could make the situation worse.

Their small moment was broken when Jisoo's phone ring and they move away blushing probably embarrassed. She quickly fished out her phone from her pocket and picked it up after excusing herself from Jungkook.

Mom, what is it?

where arw you now, dear.
It's almost 8pm now

Jisoo quickly look at her watch and mentally slapped herself, she completely forgot to tell her mom that she will be late and this late. She didn't noticed.

Coming mom, im with
a friend

Hm fine, i will
be waiting Jisoo. Take care

Call ended

Jisoo look at Jungkook and smiled apologetically before saying "I didn't notice, it's late now. I will be home now Jk"

Jungkook was annoyed but didn't saw it as he forced a small smile and nodded. And like that they bid goodbyes and went their ways.

After walking some steps from Jungkook, Jisoo turned around abd flashed a smile "I will text you, Jk"

To be Continued--

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