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Note: This is a karamel au but mostly Kara's (so far) :) I didn't plan on publishing this story because I have a whole long story which is still not done entitled, "Connecting" check it out if you want! Feel free to give suggestions :)


"Let us all welcome, the woman who does not have any free space in her schedule, Kara Danvers!" Jimmy Fallon welcomed Kara. The crowed cheered as she walks up into the stage and waves at her fans.

Kara smiles and politely nods towards Jimmy and sat on her chair.

"So, this movie... it's different. I mean, it's different from your old ones," Jimmy said which earned a giggle from Kara. "Not that it's your first time to be paired with someone. We had, James Olsen, Winn Schott, and so on. But now... it's a beautiful lady named Lena Luthor."

Kara chuckled and adjusted her sitting position. "Yes, it's different than most of my shows and movies but," she looked at the crowed and smiled. "I know people are gonna love it. It's... it's actually not a romantic-romantic kind of story, y'know what I mean?"

Jimmy laughed and looked at the crowd. "Do you know what she means? I don't. Tell us more, Kara."

"Uh, it's like... it's.. partly romantic, if that's what you're tryna get out of me," she chuckled and so does the whole studio. "But there's this plot in the story that... that's not romantic. Like, I can't explain this properly because I might spoil the whole thing and put my job on the line," she burst into laughter then waved her hands, "just watch it when it's out."

"Okay, I'm not gonna push it anymore but," Jimmy said. "How is working with Lena so far?"

Kara nodded and smiled. "Oh, Lena, she's amazing. I can't say enough good things about her but she's amazing. Very hardworking and she's just the best."

"Alright, enough of that for now... let's go on with the show."


After an interview, Kara immediately went home to her apartment in LA. It's rare for her to be home before 12 in the morning so she made it a point to take this night as her rest.

She cleaned herself and got ready for bed. She grabbed her phone as she comfortably lay in her bed and started lurking on her social media accounts to bring her sleep. A notification from her sister suddenly came.

You up?

Alex always message her and ask her about her day, making sure she's fine. No matter how busy she is as an FBI agent, she makes time for either a 5 minute long phone call or a three hour phone call, or sometimes even just a simple text message.

Kara immediately replied, Yup. Got home early today.

As expected, Alex replied immediately. Go to sleep. You need it.

Kara smiled and composed her reply, Can't sleep yet lol. Can you call?

She waited for her sister's reply but instead, he phone started ringing. She smiled as she slides it and put the phone on her ears.

"Hey," Alex's voice was soft and quiet on the other line.

Kara hummed and closed her eyes, listening on the other line. "Miss you." she mumbles.

Alex chuckled on the other line, nodding as if her younger sister will see. "How's your day?"

"The usual," Kara sighed. "Tiring but fun. You?"

"You should rest too, you know?" Alex sighed on the other line. "Mine's normal, if it's what normal is for an agent."

There was a silence on the line and Alex knew that Kara is slowly drifting to her sleep.

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