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Hello fellas!

Thank you for choosing this story! I tried my best to make this story good, understandable and enjoyable.

There will be some angst and fluff.
So, sit back and enjoy! Thank you again.

(24th September (Friday), 2:56pm)

"Kenjiro~ Come over here for a second, will you~"

Tendou was leaning against the door frame in the dressing room of the gym. Shirabu pulled his shirt down and looked at his teammate. He sighed and walked over to Tendou.

"What is it, Tendou-san?"

Tendou smirked and lidded his eyes. Shirabu instantly regret his decision.

"Do you mind if we meet up today?"

Tendou raised his eyebrows and stared at Shirabu's face. Shirabu furrowed his eyebrows. He didn't like the idea of meeting up with Tendou. He didn't like it at all.

"Is there a specific reason for why I should go..?"

Tendou pushed himself off the doorframe so he stood by himself completely. He tapped Shirabu's shoulder.

"School gates, 5pm. Don't be late~"

With that he walked away.

Shirabu stood in place, not confused, but annoyed. He shrugged it off and went back to his locker and collected his clothes that were spread on the floor.

A few minutes later Shirabu walked out of the dressing room.

While walking to the dorms, Shirabu asked himself a few questions.

'Does Tendou want to pull a prank again? Does he just want to annoy me? Should I actually go?

I guess I will have to go... I have no other options, it's Tendou I'm talking about.'

Shirabu sighed.

(Timeskip, 4:37pm)

Shirabu fixed his jacket. He was now walking out of his dorm to meet up with Tendou.

'I'm still a little curious. It's most likely something dumb, but Tendou is full of surprises. Even scary ones.'

Shirabu kept walking through the hallways and a few minutes later he went past the open door. He was met with a little breeze that came from his right side.

The school gates were to Shirabu's left, so he turned left and already saw two figures at the gates.

One was skinny and had a little bad posture. It was obviously Tendou. The second figure was muscular and had a good build. Shirabu thought it wad Ushijima.

Shirabu walked closer to the gates and now saw red and green hair.

'Ah great. Tendou wants to annoy me with his boyfriend.'

Tendou was talking to Ushijima, but when he heard footsteps he turned around to Shirabu. Then he smiled lazily.

"Kenjiro~! I was scared, I thought you wouldn't come~"

Shirabu sighed.

"Do you want me to be honest with you?"

"That's very important Kenjiro~ What is it?"

"I wish I didn't come."

"You don't even know what I'll do~"

Shirabu made an annoyed face. Tendou took that as a sign to shut up a little and lead Shirabu where he wanted.

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