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"Not now"


"Eita, not now please"

"I hate seeing you this busy, please take a break and take care for yourself or I'll do it for you."

"Whatever you want"

After hearing those words Semi quickly got up from the couch and stormed to the kitchen. After a little while he came back with a glass of water, some chocolate and a sandwitch.

He walked over to the desk in the living room Shirabu was working in and placed the food in front of Shirabu. Shirabu glanced at the food and got back to work.

Semi sighed.

"Oh come on Kenjiro! You didn't drink or eat anything in 3 hours and you know better than me that's not good!"

Shirabu looked at the food again. He knew Semi would bother him so he put down his pen and ate the sandwich and drank the water.

Shirabu was now in his last year of college. He lived in his dorm with Semi because Semi was his partner and Semi knew someone had to take care of Shirabu. Do Semi convinced Shirabu to live with him in the dorm.

Yes, they're still dating. It was awkward at first, but the two got used to it. Now it's all good and they're satisfied.

Shirabu got back to work after eating.

Semi was reading a book on the couch while Shirabu did whatever he needed to do. Semi bought Shirabu a glass of water here and there.

After Shirabu was done he walked over to Semi and layed on him. Semi just smiled at him.


"How could I not be"

Semi wrapped his arms around Shirabu and let him rest.

Both eventually fell asleep on the couch.

(The next day)

It was Sunday, so Shirabu and Semi could sleep in. Semi was the first to wake up, at around 10:30.

He looked at Shirabu, who was sleeping on him. He giggled at the sight.

Shirabu's hair was messy and his mouth were opened, with a little drool coming out. 

Semi didn't want to wake Shirabu up, but no luck this time.

"Morning sleeping beauty"


"Still grumpy?"



Shirabu took some time to wake up, but continued to lay on Semi.

When Shirabu was awake, he stood up and let Semi do the same.

They walked to the kitchen in silence. Shirabu prepared the table and Semi started to cook eggs.

"Seems like you slept well Kenjiro"

"I kinda did, you?"

"Same. Do you have more work to do or are you going to overwork yourself again?"

"Shush. And no, I'm done with everything"


Semi turned off the fire on the counter and put two eggs in each of their plates.

After eating breakfast they sat on the couch in the living room.

"What do we do"


"You're too basic Eita"

"What do you want me to suggest then?"

"Something better"

"Mean Kenjiro"

"Basic Eita"

"Shut it"


"You're making me sad Kenjiro"


Semi pouted while Shirabu simply looked at him.

"What do we do then"


"If you need it then sure"

"I'm going to my room"

"Wha- don't leave me"

"I will, for sleep"

"You're not being loyal"

"I'm being loyal to my sleep schedule, and don't start with that"

"At least let me come"

"No, you're not invited"

"What did I dooooooo Kenjiro!"

Semi pouted while Shirabu playfully smirked.

"This is payback for eating all the butter"

"I was hungry and you know I like bread with butter"

"Have you thought about the cookies I was planning to make? No. And you will repay me this way"

An idea appeared in Semi's head.

Shirabu was walking to his room, not bothering to turn back. Semi took that as an opportunity to sneak up behind him and quickly pin him to the wall.

Before Shirabu could protest or even say anything, Semi roughly kissed him.

Shirabu hesitated, but kissed back either way.

Semi placed his hand on Shirabu's waist and the other one where his neck and shoulder meet. Semi started to carres the area.

Shirabu quickly realized what Semi was about to do and stopped kissing Semi to look at him.

"Eita Semi, don't you dare"

"Oh but why not?"

"I have school tomorrow fuckface"

"I don't care-"

"And no you can't repay me like this"

"So you would let me do this just to amuse yourself"



Shirabu giggled and forced his way out of Semi's grip.

"If you really want to give me hickies, at least make them easy to cover by clothes"

Shirabu looked at Semi before entering their bedroom. Semi processed what Shirabu just said, and after realizing followed quickly behind.

This is how most of their Sundays go by, making out, sleeping in, watching films. The important thing about all those activities is that Semi and Shirabu were as physically close as possible, and that was enough for both of them.




I love you all, and I hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it :)

It was a bit shitty, but it was enough to pass-

Thank you again, I hope you enjoy every book you read :)

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