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Shirabu looked around the room to find a person to ask and to think about a question.

"Reon, never have I ever broke anything made out of glass?"

Reon simply looked at Shirabu and answered with a simple 'no'.

With that the game went on, Shirabu got asked two times. Once by Goshiki and then by Yamagata. The game was kinda boring but the atmosphere was loud.

"Taichi, never have I ever wore a dress or a skirt."

Semi proudly smiled at himself and leaned back into the brown armchair he was sitting in. The team looked at Kawanishi, who had a light shade of pink on his cheeks.

"Then you don't even have to say anything~! The face and the eyes say everything~" 

Tendou looked at Kawanishi with his lidded eyes and Kawanishi just blushed more.

Shirabu really had enough. Tendou was loud, all the questions were boring or stupid. And he wanted to kick Goshiki and Semi before jumping out of the window. He would really do that, he wanted to leave so badly.

"Okay~ How about we all watch a film uh?!"

Tendou stood in front of the TV so everyone could see him.

Then everyone said 'yes' or just nodded their head. Tendou smirked and went over to a shelf to grab the remote. He took the remote, pressed a button and the TV powered on.

"What can we watch~? Hm~"

"What about 'Sixth Sense'?" Kawanishi suggested.

"We're going to watch horrors? I'm down for that" Yamagata looked at Kawanishi and smiled.

"That isn't scary enough. We should watch 'Poltergeist' but the older version. They say it's scarier than the new one" Semi spoke, his voice confident.

"Those aren't scary at all..." Shirabu said.

"Do you like horror movies Goshiki?" Yamagata asked the first year.

Goshiki smiled nervously.

"I kinda do like them, but not the too scary ones such as 'IT' and 'Joker'. I kinda don't like clowns, they creep me out."


"Ah~ I was just about to put 'Joker' but we're skipping it for you, Tsutomu~"

"Put on Sixth Sense. It has dead bodies and it's a kinda interesting film."

"That isn't scary Yamagata."

"Shut it Shirabu! The film is good and I wanna suggest something."

"And what is Poltergeist about~?"

"About ghosts that haunted a house. It is scarier than Sixth Sense, I watched both and Poltergeist gave me two jump scares."

"Even Semisemi got scared uh~? Poltergeist it is then~!"

Tendou went to the search button and typed in 'Poltergeist'. Two films, the old and the new version, popped up on the screen.

"Click on the older one."

Tendou clicked on the older one and the screen went black. Then the film started.

At the start of the movie, Goshiki was already freaked out by the little girl that just sat in front of the TV that didn't work.

(A couple of minutes later)

"CAROL ANNE!" The girl's mother screamed.

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