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Tendou and Semi walked out of the jelwery store, Semi holding a bag with some rings and necklaces Tendou bought. Semi still doesn't understand what Tendou meant, and he still felt pressured by it.

Next, the two walked to a clothes store.

'Of course. Everyone hates the way I dress. And there's nothing different with Tendou.'

Tendou looked at the shelves with open eyes and a tiny smile.

"Eita-kun, I think I know what color would suit you~"

"Why is that important?"

Tendou sighed. He really couldn't with Semi's dumb side. Yes, even Semi had a dumb side.

"Do you think anything white or yellow would look good on me?"

Semi tried to imagine Tendou in something white and yellow. And he didn't like it. He more liked the clothes Tendou was wearing now. A black hoddie, baggy blue jeans and purple shoes with white stripes. White stripes on shoes are a detail.

And for Semi...

"It wouldn't look good right? Well lemme tell ya, green and brown doesn't fit you at all. The colors don't even match with eachother!"

Semi made a confused-disgusted noise.

"So what colors would suit me"

"Well, the volleyball uniform suits you, so we might get ya some purple~"

Tendou started jumping around the store, looking for stuff that would suit Semi. Semi just disappointingly watched.

"Oh! Oh! And black suits everyone!"

He looked around for more clothes.

"White wouldn't be a bad opinion for ya either~!"

Semi couldn't hear him much anymore, since he ran to the other end of the store by now.

Around a minute passed, Tendou ran back to Semi with a bunch of clothes. He had a big smile plastered on his face and he looked full of energy.

"You're trying all of this on!"

(Timeskip, 4:25pm)

"Why did we buy so many..."

"You needed it Semisemi!"

Semi dropped the heavy bags full of clothes. He could already feel the red on his palms. Tendou was only carrying the jelwery, so he just gently put it down next to the clothes.

"I'll put the clothes in the washing machine, if it doesn't rain this night they should be ready tomorrow."

Tendou let out a weird giggle. Semi just ignored it and dragged the bags to the bathroom.

Tendou took the jelwery and sat on Semi's bed. He gently removed the plastic bag and opened the package. Inside were a few cheap-looking silver rings and necklaces. Tendou lidded his eyes and smiled.

'I think there's enough for all of us.'

Semi came back from the bathroom.

"What's with the jelwery?"

"Hmmmmm... I think you're not yet prepared to know, Semisemi~!"

"What's there to know? It's just jelwery, I wanted to ask what they would value? Why do we need them?"

"You'll find out later~"

Semi sighed, knowing there's no point in trying anymore.

(Timeskip, 27th September (Monday), 6:45)

Typical love story (Semishira)Where stories live. Discover now