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Shirabu clicked his pen a couple times, trying to focus on his homework. But Kawanishi was bothering him.

"Saltyrabu! Say hi to your libero!"

Kawanishi was on a video call with Yamagata. Kawanishi grinned and showed his phone screen with Yamagata to Shirabu. Shirabu didn't bother to look, he just frowned from what he could see from the corner of his eye.

"Can you two dumbasses shut up or meet up in front of the school?"

Yamagata laughed. He had a very old phone and a wrecked microphone, his laugh sounded like a meme. Kawanishi chuckled too.

"We are going out Shiraboo, we're just gonna annoy ya till we leave!"

"Just go on your little date and leave me alone. I'll spike a ball in your face"

"You aren't that strong"

"Then you try to spike"

"Don't be mean to the libero! He's giving you half of the balls to set!"

"I don't care Taichi. Now leave me alone, I'm at least trying to be good at school."

"Tch, fiiiiiiine then"

Kawanishi walked over to the door of the dorm where his and Shirabu's shoes were. He put his right foot in his right shoe, and pushed it in. He did the same with his other shoe and soon left Shirabu alone in the dorm.

Shirabu could finally concentrate, so he started writing the answers for the questions.

His pen left gray letters on the paper. His handwriting was neat, almost anyone could read it.

Shirabu knew all the answers, and in about 20 minutes he was done with his homework.

When he thought he could finally rest, someone knocked on the door of his dorm.

Shirabu sighed in annoyance. He could honestly even feel a small fire lighting up in his chest.


He put his hand on the doorknob and twisted it. He pulled the door and they revealed none other than Semi Eita.

Shirabu sighed in annoyance. Seeing Semi was one of the least things he would want now.

"Hey Shirabu, uh- sorry for bothering you, but Tendou said to give you this"

He showed his future boyfrie- Shirabu a small red package. It fit almost perfectly in Semi's palm. Shirabu slowly grabbed the package, avoiding to touch Semi's palm as much as possible.

"What's inside?"

"I'm not sure, but we were at the mall yesterday and we bought jelwery, so I'm kinda guessing it's that..."

"Why would Tendou buy jelwery?"

"Don't ask me"

"Did I ask you?"

"I- you just asked?"


"You could've said so"

"Tch. Go away now egostic bitch"

"I'm not even tha-"

Shirabu shut the door. It seemed to hit Semi because Shirabu heard Semi grunt and back away. He chuckled. He wasn't much into physical bullying, but Shirabu thought it was fun sometimes.

He walked to his bed and sat carefully on it. Shirabu shook the package. He could hear something shaking inside.

Now that he took a closer look, the package looked like the little box you put an engagement ring in. It could be an engagement ring, but why would Tendou buy it and make Semi give it to Shirabu?

Typical love story (Semishira)Where stories live. Discover now