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This book is so weird but oh well I'll continue writing cause I have no life

(1st October (Friday), 5:56pm)

Semi layed on his back dozing off into his own mind. He went through an exhausting day and planned to sleep for a long time. It was Friday, so he could do whatever he wanted.

Yet his plan was ruined by his roommate. Semi actually doubted he could do anything without Tendou bothering him.

"Do do dodo do~"

Tendou hummed a random tune.

"I feel like dying"

"Go ahead."



"Okay- not like that-"

"Eita-kun why do you feel like dying?"

"I dunno I just- feel a bit numb"

"It's probably nothing to worry about"


"Don't feel so down now, come on!"

Tendou looked at him with a smile.

"Well, I'll go to Wakatoshi-kun, so you drown in your little thoughts or whatever"

Tendou left the dorm.

As he left, Semi grabbed his phone that was on a small table near the bed. He typed his password and went to his gallery.

He opened a folder named 'Shiratorizawa' which contains some pictures he took at school. There were lots pictures of Tendou since he always stands in front of a camera. There were pictures of his volleyball team, his friends, his classrooms etc.

As he mindlessly scrolled through the pictures he found a very blurry picture of Tendou and Shirabu. Semi let out a small giggle seeing the picture.

Basically, Shirabu had ice cream on top of his head. When Semi took the picture, Shirabu tried to take his phone away. Tendou was the one who put the ice cream on Shirabu's head.

On accident, Semi started thinking about Shirabu.

'That guy is so dumb in social situations. He's so shy too it's painful seeing him trying to interact with other people. Introverts like that are really something else.

Is there anything I even like about him?

Probably not.


Well his bangs are dumb... He's so mean and everything...

I wonder if he'll ever get a partner after he actually grows up.
Is he straight?

Well no girls nor boys would like him. I guess?

I'm myself pansexual, but I'd honestly be surprised to see Shirabu with a guy.


I'm not disgusted by it, but Shirabu is not the relationship type. He's even short!'

Semi didn't realize the time that passed while he was thinking. He knew everything he was thinking about was true.


He felt like some sort of feeling in his chest told him it was all a lie.

Those can't be lies.

Shirabu is not the relationship type.

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