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(October 3rd (Sunday), 1:02 pm)

It was rainy again. Clouds covered the endless blue sky.

Just like Sbirabu's mind.

He felt dumb thinking about someone he doesn't like.

Two days passed since he found himself staring at every wall, thinking about the boy.

He wanted to ask for advice, since it was painfully obvious that he wasn't ready for this. But the only person he trusted enough isn't here anymore.

He was thinking about asking Taichi, but what would he gain from that experience?

After staring at the empty ceiling for about 30 minutes, Shirabu finally decided to talk to someone.

He took his phone that was right next to him and went straight to his calls. His grandpa called him not so long ago so his contact was already on the dialing screen.

Shirabu clicked on the contact and slightly pressed his phone on his ear.

After 2 beeps, an old male voice answered.

"Hello? Kenjiro?"

"Hi grandpa"

"Good to hear you again. Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"Am I that predictable?"


"Okay. So I think I have a crush and I'm very confused about the whole situation."

"Hm. Mind telling me who's the lucky person?"

"You remember Semi Eita? The blondie that's a pinch server? Number 3?"

"Ah yes, the fella who hurt his finger once when serving?"


"And why are you confused about liking him?"

"I'm surprised you're not against me being into boys."

"As I said, you're predictable. Now answer my question?"

"Right. Um- you know how I never interact and say how I don't like getting close to people? Yeah, I'm kinda scared he'll leave me, that I might not be the standard for him- I don't even know if this is an actual crush."


Few seconds of silence.

"I say give yourself time. I'm not like your grandma, she'd probably say something else. But if you don't reckognize your feelings, give them time so you know what you're actually feeling."

"And congrats on finally finding someone!"

"Thanks. But how did you find out you liked grandma?"

"Long story short, she started talking to me and hung out with me a lot. She did everything I ever wanted to do with me. As some poets would say, she was 'the sun of my life'."


"Are you friends?"

"No, and that's the main problem."

"It's not like you don't know how to befriend people. Talk to him when you get the chance! That way you might even figure out your feelings and get yourself together."

"Okay... I'll try. Thank you grandpa"

"Anytime Kenjiro."

After that sentence the call ended.

Typical love story (Semishira)Where stories live. Discover now