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(26th September (Sunday), 10:11pm)

Semi and Tendou's dorm

Semi woke up on the worst possible way.

"Semisemi! Wake up wake up! It's a big day today and I need ya!"

Semi groaned, not opening his eyes. He was laying on his back under the covers, so he rolled onto his right, now facing the wall. He could feel Tendou being very impatient and tense. It was unusual, but he needed to sleep. He wanted to sleep.

"Whaaaat do you... waaant"

Semi could feel Tendou pout.

"If we're playing like that Semisemi..."

Realization hit Semi like a lightning. Tendou, even if he didn't seem like it, was capable of a bunch of things.

So Tendou forcefully grabbed Semi by the shoulder and the next second Semi was grunting on the floor.

"Fine fine I'll get up! Just don't do that..."

He slowly opened his eyes. Tendou was standing above him, waiting for him patiently.

'Scary how Tendou's moods change so quickly...'

Semi slowly got up. Tendou sat on his bed, still surprisingly patient. Semi went over to the wardrobe that was at the corner of the room. Semi opened the wooden door and trailed his eyes over the chlotes there. He needed some time to choose chlotes for himself. And noone would try to describe it, since Semi had very bad sense of style.

He went to the bathroom and changed there. When he walked out of the bathroom Tendou was still on his bed. Tendou smiled when Semi walked out.

"I need to take you somewhere now Semisemi~"

Semi must admit, he was a little scared of what Tendou might do, but he followed Tendou out of the dorm to the school gates.

Semi got curious about what they were about to do. Well, Tendou was a hell of a mysterious person, so noone ever knew what he was up to. He even dragged Shirabu to his apartment without telling him anything. That man has something called talent.

"Tendou, can you tell me where we're going?"

Tendou, who was walking a little bit in front of him, just let out a small, shaky sigh.

"Eita-kun, we need to go buy some things~"

"Excuse me?"

Semi couldn't help but frown in confusion. He heard Tendou chuckle, which made him even more confused.

"A little bit of shopping won't hurt you!"

"I don't need anything"

"Oh what you need is a better sense of style, lemme just tell ya that."

Semi knew he couldn't say anything to that, so he just frowned and went quiet.

They passed the school gates. From there they could already see the tall, grey walls of the mall. Tendou was jumping a little while walking, while Semi hesitantly followed.

The sound of cars passing by the streets filled the calm atmosphere. It was relaxing to some people. The rumbling that played in your ears. Yet some people more liked the smells of coffee and tea in quiet places.

After around 20 minutes of walking, Semi and Tendou reached the mall.

Tendou did seem very energetic and happy to be here, but Semi was dragged here so he was just lazily following the red-hair.

Tendou glanced at all of the shops you could see from the big, blue entrance doors. The walls in the mall were a peach orange, and the shops seemed to have their own colors.

Tendou knew exactly what he wanted, so he walked to a jelwery shop. He was walking quite fast, so Semi had to catch up.

The people walking were having loud conversations and their footsteps echoed. But nothing can beat Tendou.

"Eita-kun! Over here!"

Semi sighed and walked over to his loud friend.

"The whole mall will hear you"

"What we're about to do is none of their business!"

Semi had disappointment written all over his face. Tendou sometimes acted like a child you had to keep both eyes on. Sometimes it's even like Tendou takes all your energy for himself, so he's always jumpy and you're always drained and tired.

Tendou entered the jelwery store. Semi was a little scared and worried. There are some chances Tendou might break something there. The uncomfortable feeling crawled up to Semi's chest.

Semi found Tendou standing in front of some cheap, silver rings, smiling creepily with his eyes lidded.

"Why are we looking for rings? Is someone getting married?"

Tendou didn't seem surprised.

"Sadly, noone is getting married yet~"


"Hm hm. Nothing~!"

Tendou was still examining the rings, while Semi awkwardly stood beside him. He looked at all the shelves in the store that shined in silver.

"Semisemi, do you think you can find a good looking bracelet or necklace?"

Semi was deeply confused. Even concerned.

"Could you tell me what this is about first?"

Tendou went silent for a second. Then he slowly and quietly inhaled.

"Want me to give just a hint or to make ya uncomfy right here right now~?"

Tendou looked at his confused friend. He wasn't smiling, but his eyes were a little lidded.

Semi knew it was something more... Serious, since Tendou isn't smiling and he gave off a very creepy aura. Semi became scared of the unknown reason. He didn't want to take risk.

"A hint?"

Tendou seemed relieved. He smiled and closed his eyes.

"There are some feelings laying down deep inside you! And someone gave you them, I'm making you figure out!"

Silence. Pressure. Confusion.


Tendou giggled and walked away.

Semi was stoned in place. He couldn't move, his brain didn't work. Only one sentence was repeating in his head, sending the message to the last inch of his body.

'What the fuck did he mean?'


Semi tried to move. He luckily was able to move his fingers, so his whole body got in his control again. He could feel the aura and the eyes of all the people that saw him. It put even more pressure to Semi and he couldn't get away from it now.

A knot tied in the setter's stomach.

Semi walled over to Tendou, his legs heavy and hard to move.

It was all symptoms of nervousness.


Must be.

Tendou took his glance off the silver bracelet and placed it on Semi.

"Did ya find anything, Eita-kun?"

Semi's breath stopped in his chest.

"I- no"

"Hm, okay~"

Word count: 1062
Published: 19/02/21

I know what I want to write, but I can't shape it in words-
And you have to wait for the interesting part.

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