is this love? || hyeongjun

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— plot ; when two teens start dating without any knowledge or any experience in dating, they try their best to make the other happy. 

liking and loving someone are two different things

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liking and loving someone are two different things.


y/n excitedly turned around to see her boyfriend, hyeongjun, happily waving at her from the distance. she was currently sitting in one of the benches near the school's garden as hyeongjun texted her since he wanted to meet up.

so, when do we tell we love somebody?

he quickly ran to where she was sitting and sat beside her. "oh, i'm sorry," he apologized when he realized he sat a little too close to her and moved to the side to give space between them in case y/n gets uncomfortable.

is it when they respect you and makes sure they never cross the line?

she shook her head, "no, no, it's okay," she smiled at his cuteness. hyeongjun looked away, getting embarrasses because of her smile that he found absolutely adorable. "hyeongjun?" y/n worriedly called his name when he suddenly looked to the opposite direction while hiding his face.

hyeongjun looked back at her and grinned, "it's nothing. oh by the way, i bought you these," he gave her a black plastic where inside there were honey-flavored chips he chose, a chocolate bar, and a small carton of *insert prefered flavor* milk.

is it when they show you love in even the littlest way possible?

y/n speechlessly looked at the selection of snacks hyeongjun bought for her, "hyeongjun, you really didn't have to, but i appreciate it so much. thank you!" she cheerfully smiled at him with her eyes creasing up.

"cute cute cute cute cute cute," hyeongjun felt his heart sobbing as he admired her on the inside while trying to remain calm on the outside.

is it when you find yourself liking every part of your significant other?

her eyebrow raised and she leaned forward a little to his face as hyeongjun flinched with the sudden action, "you look tired. are you sure you're sleeping enough?" she asked him, concerned. hyeongjun blushed, "of course! maybe it's just the weather? or maybe it's the endless activities the teachers give," he nervously laughed while spouting random things he could think about. 

"do you want to rest on my lap for a while?" she said, with a serious face.

or perhaps when you find more sides to them that makes you fall in love with them more?

hyeongjun caught off guard with her offer and he immediately became flustered, "h-huh?" she tapped her lap lightly, "you can rest on my lap," she repeated.

"-or you can rest in the cement," she quickly added, still using a serious tone with a straight face. hyeongjun started laughing, finding her amusing, "alright, i will. but please tell me if you get uncomfortable," he said which she nodded to.

he laid down to her lap with a racing heart as he made sure that she wasn't uncomfortable nor was she bothered by the heaviness of his head. "is this okay?" he asked, unsure. she looked down to his face, "yeah," she shortly answered with a small smile. the short distance between their faces made hyeongjun cover his once again blushing face. 

y/n cluelessly tilted her head, "why are you covering your face?" 

"i'm sorry but saying this is really embarrassing- but i'm really embarrassed right now because you're so up close and it's making my heart do backflips and i don't want you to see me embarrassed and blushing like this because i should be more manlier since i'm your boyfriend and you might dislike me if you keep seeing this side of me," 

he started rapping fastly that even y/n couldn't keep up with his words. although she couldn't hear the rest of his words, she heard some of the words he last said which made her chuckle, "you don't have to force yourself to become manlier for me you know? i like this type of hyeongjun. it makes me happy," she said with a soft tone that comforted hyeongjun.

maybe also when they accept you for who you are?

hyeongjun moved his hands slightly from his face to peek her expression, "really?" she removed the hands covering his face and held it tight as she looked at hyeongjun dearly, "really," she assured, softly caressing  his hair.

silence enveloped their surroundings as hyeongjun found comfort in her playing his hair while he stared at her with a small smile.


"hmmm?" he hummed.

she stopped playing with his hair and held his hand again, "as cheesy as it sounds, i sincerely thank you for being the first person to love me back," she snickered as her cheeks slowly became flushed, cringing a little. he laughed, blushing as well, "it's an honor. plus, it's impossible not to love you, you know?" 

she shook her head, "eh, i don't know about that," she denied. hyeongjun raised an eyebrow at her, "why not? you're an amazing person after all," he said, making her chuckle.

"i guess so?" hyeongjun furrowed his brows with the unsure tone she had in her voice and pressed her cheeks with one finger, "you are amaxing, and i'll make sure to make you feel that way always,"

her eyes widened with his sudden "okay, thay's really cheesy," they laugh in unison with flushed faces. 

she stopped laughing and smiled at him, "but, please do,"

nevertheless, if they bother to stay with you despite your flaws, then it's worth calling it love. 

nah writing this made me feel single i h8 this feeling

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nah writing this made me feel single i h8 this feeling

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