you were beautiful || taeyoung

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— as taeyoung was playing the drums with his band in a school event, his eyes fell to a girl that stood out in the crowd.

(i didn't reread this chap so im so so sorry for grammar mistakes :( )

(i didn't reread this chap so im so so sorry for grammar mistakes :( )

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"taeyoung-ah, don't forget to lock the doors when you leave,"

jungmo looked back with a teasing look, "i heard that ghosts linger around at night in the hallway," allen immediately hitted his shoulder for scaring the younger.

"don't believe at him. just go home early okay?" taeyoung nodded and waved goodbye to the two.

he is now currently alone in the music room practicing for a performance that will take place tomorrow. he took a deep breathe, "you can do this," he encouraged himself by patting his shoulder and lightly smiling to himself.

he took his wooden drumsticks and started drumming to the the song they are going to perform. he began to feel more relaxed as he continued.

a small smile unconscious crept in his lips as he finished the last beats with power. he wiped the beads of sweat in his forehead and sighed in relief. it was the first time he felt satisfied with his performance.

as he was celebrating, he felt a pair of eyes staring at him in the window near the door. he stood up from his drumset and sneakily walked to the window. he peeked his head in the curtains but scratched his head when he saw no one outside but just an empty, dark hallway.

"oh," he nervously laughed after being reassured that no body was actually staring at him and that he was just tired. 

but he immediately got goosebumps when he heard loud footsteps that seemed like running outside. he rushed to the door and gulped before opening it.

"who is it?"

his voice echoed on the quiet and dark hallway. he looked at the left and right side of the hallway and saw no one.

"i heard that ghosts linger around at night in the hallway,"

jungmo's word hit taeyoung like a reality truck. "did i just encounter a ghost?" he loudly gasped and his face became pale.

he bolted back to the room to get his bag and dashed out of the music room with lightning speed. due to being in a rush, he forgot to lock the door that allen told him to do when leaving the music room.

a girl stood up from her hiding spot and watched taeyoung dash out of the school gate with fear evident in his face.

she softly chuckled, "weird. but i like it," she said before going to the door and locking it for him to not get scolded by his hyung.

 but i like it," she said before going to the door and locking it for him to not get scolded by his hyung

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