Chapter 4

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"Ok well that Jonathan guy he was talking about...was me"

It was silent on Skype for about 20 seconds and I could see their faces were in total shock from what I told them. Lui snapped out of it unlike nogla who was still in shock.

"Are you sure it's you? I mean it could just be a coincidence or something." Lui asked confusingly (is that even a word? Lol).

"I think so...I has to be me, it sounds so familiar. Like I did move 10 years ago and I was in love with him." I said and sighed

Out of nowhere Nogla finally snapped out of it and said "This is such a cute love story!" He screamed "Are you going to tell him?!" It sounded like he was fan girling over this

"No, no, no, no!" I repeated "NOBODY tells Vanoss! I don't want him freaking out at me and get angry."

"What about pax? Isn't that coming soon? Will you tell him then?" Lui asked with lots of questions

"I forgot about Pax, I'll go to pax if you both help me out with this." I demanded

"Deal!" They both nodded

I got off of Skype to text Evan if he was going

D: Hey, you going to pax?

I didn't get a reply back for 10 minutes so I texted him again

D: This is important, I need to know"

V: I'm not sure if I want to, I mean unless you're going?"

I blushed a little. Did he really want to go with me? I know we're best friends and all but still!

D: yeah I am, so far Nogla and Lui are too!

V: Okay, I'll go

I got nervous and my face was looking as red as a tomato. I really want to tell him but it would be weird so I need to wait for pax.


Thank you for reading! I might post another one later today

I hope you enjoyed and sorry if this sucked ;s

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