Chapter 15

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~Delirious pov~

I could hear people talking, walking, crying and phones ringing but worst of all my head was killing me. Where am I? I opened my eyes and saw Lui, Brock and Brian sleeping near my bed. Where was I?

I started looking around to see where I was but still had no luck knowing where I was. "D..delirious?" I heard a sleepy voice say. I looked over and saw Brock with a relieved look on his face. "Where am I, Brock?" It was silent in the room for a few minutes "The hospital." Lui said in a tired voice

What was I doing in the hospital? Last I remember I was in my hotel room with Evan..."Why? And where's Evan? What happened?!"

They all looked at each other not knowing what to say "you've been in the hospital for a week." Brian said while hugging Brock. "But why? What happened?"

"Well...." Lui said

~Lui's pov/flashback~

I was beginning to worry, Vanoss was never ever this mad even when playing games that made him rage. Delirious could have waited for Vanoss to explain what we were talking about but I guess he thought I told him. I wouldn't blame him after all.

"Evan...?" Delirious said worriedly


Everything escalated so quickly as I watched Vanoss punch Delirious in the head and watched him fa to the ground...hard "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?" I picked up Delirious and put him on the bed

"I...I...I..." He was in shock that he knocked Delirious out "I THOUGHT YOU ALWAYS WANTED JONATHAN BACK BUT APPARENTLY I THOUGHT WRONG!" I was getting mad at him at this point. "...I'm...I'm...I'm sorry..." Vanoss said as he ran out of the room panicking.

Since Vanoss was no help I had to call Brock and Brian to help me carry Delirious to the Hospital. "So much for enjoying pax..." I whispered to myself

Both Brock and Brian didn't believe what happened when I told them until they came to the room. Brian started crying on Brock's shoulder while he rubbed Brian's back.

"Enough with the crying and help me get Delirious to the hospital!" They both helped me get him in his car. As I drove Delirious to the hospital Brock was checking out his Scar "Wow, where did he get this?" He said as he was feeling the scar "I don't know."

The doctor told us Delirious got hit really hard but should be fine other than the fact he won't wake up for awhile. We weren't sure how long "awhile" was so we waited.

~end of flashback~

I watched Delirious tear up as Brock held his hand "...Why did he punch me anyways?" He asked. I wasn't sure what to tell him "Maybe you surprised him?" Delirious looked at me in a worried face and closed his eyes " is Evan doing?"

"I'll get the doctor..." Brian said which made everything awkward and made Delirious worry "...guys, is he ok?" He looked at me with sad eyes "Yes, he's fine."

~Delirious pov~

After the doctor came in he said I could leave which I was happy about but I had no idea where to go, I had a few of my things with me from pax but the rest were still at Evans house. "I need to go to Evans house-" I got cut off my Lui "NO YOU DON'T NEED TO GO!" He looked at me as if I was crazy "Lui, I need to get the rest of my things..." He stopped the car and looked at me feeling guilty "Sorry, lets go then."

~At Evans place~

"Delirious, are you sure you want to do this? What if he punches you again?" Lui was right but I had no choice, I wanted my things.

I slowly walked up to Evans house and looked at Lui and gave him a scared look. I turned around and knocked on the door nervously. No one answered so I turned around and started walking about to the car.

"What are YOU doing here?" The familiar voice said behind me. I looked and saw Evan with an angry yet guilty look on his face.

"I...I just want the rest of my things..." I scratched the back of my neck feelig awkward.

"Fine, 3 minutes to get your stuff and leave." He said angrily (is that a word? It sounds like something for fishing lol)

I quickly ran inside to my room and started grabbing my things by the time I was done Mr. Bean came in the room and started meowing at me "Sorry buddy, I have to leave again..." I pet his head and he kept meowing. As I got to the front all Mr. Bean jumped on my shoulder and wouldn't get off.

"Evan, come and get Mr. Bean off of me please..." He kept meowing at me. Evan came over to get grab Mr. Bean but he hissed and scratched at him. "Mr. Bean! What are you doing? What did you do Jay!?"

"Yes blame me for everything why don't you! I have done nothing wrong but get my things and you still hate me for that!" I tried taking the cat off of me but he bit me.

"YOU HID YOU'RE SECRET FROM ME! THAT'S WHAT YOU DID WRONG!" Evan said as he clenched his fists



I felt pain in my cheek and it started to sting. I looked at Evan but he didn't seem to care.

"Don't you ever dare tell me I did something wrong when it was all you!" He said as he kept poking my chest really hard

"SO BEING KNOCKED OUT FOR A WEEK IN THE HOSPITAL IS ALL MY FAULT? Yup totally my fault I had everything to do with that!" I took Mr. Bean off my shoulder and opened the door

"Wait, I punched you that hard?" Evan sounded shocked

"No, Godzilla did..." I ran out of Evans house and went to the car. Lui saw the hand print on my cheek "I told you we shouldn't have came..."

"Whatever, lets just go somewhere else please."

~later that night~

Lui and I met up with Brock and Brian at a pizza place to eat dinner. Surprisingly the place looked beautiful. We all ordered 1 large pepperoni pizza and ate it at the restaurant. I barely touched my slice of pizza because I couldn't stop thinking about Evan.

"Delirious...are you alright?" Lui asked in a concern voice

"I'm not hungry...can we take the pizza and go please?" I wasn't sure where we were staying but I just wanted to be in a quiet place.

They all nodded in agreement and went to a hotel called "Sleep n' eat" our room only had 2 beds but Lui agreed to sleep on the floor while Brock and Brian slept together on a bed, letting me have the second one. After a few hours of trying to sleep, I eventually did.


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed :P

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