Chapter 11

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Happy Valentines day to you all! :) I hope you all had a good day by spending it with chocolates or something that is candy :P


~Vanoss pov~

I woke up barely being able to see the time. I squinted my eyes a couple of times and finally saw it was 9:13am. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed, I started remembering things that happened last night. "I didn't mean to let go of Jay, it was an accident after all." I whispered. "Should I wait for him to come to me or should I knock on his door? Ugh I have no idea!"

I went to the bathroom to have a shower, I opened the door and saw Jay putting his mask on and makeup skin tone on the counter but I ignored it. Jay looked at me in shock.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know you were in here an I'm very sorry for last night, I swear it was an accident, will you pleaaaaaaase forgive me?" I asked worriedly

"I forgive you." He said as he started walking out of the bathroom. I grabbed his arm and looked at him "Are you sure? It doesn't sound like you do..." I was even more worried at this point

It was a few minutes of silence and he sighed and decided to answer "Yes, I really am. I'm also sorry for overreacting, I know you didn't mean to do it but I guess falling and hurting my head kind of got to me. I hope you can also forgive me."

I held his hand and gave him a goofy smile and laughed "Of course I'll forgive you, I do love you after all." Jay lifted up his mask above his lips and kissed my cheek

"After my shower I'll make your favourite breakfast, eggs and bacon. How does that sound?" Jay looked at me and jumped up and down in excitement "YES SOUDS GOOD!"

Mr. Bean also heard the word "Bacon" and started dancing, they both started laughing and danced with him

~Delirious pov~

As much as excited for Evan to make my favourite breakfast I was also feeling guilty because I haven't told him I'm Jonathan yet...if I do tell him then I have no idea what will happen, what he'll say or what he'll do. I don't want to lose him or make him hurt himself either.

Should I show him my face but hide my scar? Will he even recognize its me? Will he still love me? I kept asking myself so many questions and I was only feeling more guilty about it.

~no ones Pov~

Once Evan was out of the shower he started making Jonathan's favourite breakfast. When he finished he looked on his phone to check the date and his eyes looked like they were about to fall out. Jonathan looked at Evan and was concerned.

"Are you ok Evan? What's wrong?" He put his hands on Evans shoulder and looked at his phone and he was also shocked.

"How did I miss this?" Evan asked. He looked at Jonathan and got on one knee "Jay, will you be my Valentine and go out for dinner with me tonight?" Evan asked with a piece of bacon in his hand and Jonathan started laughing "Of course I will Evan!" And they hugged each other.

~later that day~

Evan and Jonathan went out for their Valentine dinner date at a restaurant called "Little Noms" it was a cute little restaurant with fish tanks everywhere that had sharks, clown fish, crabs and more!

When they got to their table and ordered their food they noticed they were sitting beside a tank that had a small shark in it. That made Jonathan laugh because both Evan and him ordered cheese burgers.

Evan held Jonathan's hand and looked into his eyes "I want you to know I love you very much and I hope you're having the best Valentines day ever." Evan said with a smile and so did Jonathan

"This is the best Valentines day ever! Not only because of the shark but because I'm here with you, my love and my best friend." Evan started blushing and it made Jonathan chuckle.

When they got home they watched a couple of movies together on the couch while they cuddled and kissed "Best day ever!" Jonathan said as he started to slowly fall asleep in Evans arms. Evan agreed and kissed Jonathan's forehead and slowly fell asleep after he did.


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed :P

I honestly had no idea it was valentines day tomorrow/today xD

Sorry if this seemed boring but I promise you drama will be happening soon :P

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