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After Luca left I decided to shower and explore my room a little more. I looked at the clock in my room and saw it was 5:30 so I decided to start getting ready.

I didn't have many clothing options to choose from so I just wore my best jeans and best top. I decided to take a quick shower as well and I wish I could've stayed in longer. The shower was absolute heaven. I decided that once dinner was over I was gonna come back and have a longer one.

Once I was dressed and out of the shower I was putting my hair into a pony tail when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I yell from the bathroom

"Ms. Amelia I'm Rose and I'll be escorting you to dinner" and older lady says

"Ok well I'm ready! And please just call me Amelia" I insisted

She nods her head and we start to make our way to the dinning room. On the way she tells me that she's been working for the family for 27 years and she remembers when I was a little baby. I also found out she has 3 kids who all travel the world.

"Thank you so much!" I say to Rose as we enter the dining room

"Of course sweetheart" she says while smiling at me

I look at the table and see 5 boys sitting there and 2 of them are glaring at me.

"Amelia come sit!" Luca says. I sit between him and Dante because those are the only ones I've even heard speak

"I thought their were 6 of you guys" I say looking around the table

"There are but Mateo is in his office and he'll be down in a bit" Dante said

"Ohh" I said looking down at my hands

I still feel 2 pairs of eyes glaring into my head

I look up and decide to say something

"Who the hell put your two's panties in a twist " I say looking at the two boys.

I hear everyone else at the table bust out laughing

"Language" a tall guy who looks exactly like me says as he's making his way to the head of the table.

Hmm must be Mateo

All of a sudden all of the guys get quite and start to look down.

Oh come on are they really scared of him. I admit he radiates a lot of power but still

"Well I guess we can start with introductions then" Luca says "let's go from oldest to youngest"

"I'm Mateo your oldest brother" Mateo says

"I'm Lorenzo but you can call me Enzo and I'm your second oldest brother" the guy next to him says with a smile

"I'm Dante your 3rd older brother" Dante says next to me

"Gio. 4th oldest" the boy across from me grumbles

"I'm Luca the 5th oldest and soon to be your favorite" Luca says next to me with a smile

"Alex. 6th," the boy next to Gio says while glaring at me

"Well, I guess you all already know who I am. But I'm Amelia and I'm 16" I say

Once I finish plates of food starts coming in.

Rose sets one in front of me and it's risotto my favorite!

We all eat in silence and I only eat half of my food before my stomach starts to hurt. It's not that the food is nasty, but I'm so used to only eating small portions that I can't stomach a regular serving size.

"Do you not like it?" Dante whispers to me

"I do, but I'm just not that hungry" I whisper back and Dante forms a frown

"è Una Piccola puttana viziata. probabilmente è per Questo che non mangia" Gio says
(she is a spoiled little whore. that's probably why she doesn't eat)

I see all of the guy's face get upset besides Alex who is just smirking.
"Ti farò sapere che sono tutt'altro che viziato. Credi che la mia vita sia stata facile come la tua?" I say looking directly at Gio
(I'll let you know I'm anything but spoiled. Do you think my life has been as easy as yours?)

"I can only eat half of this because I'm not fucking hungry. If you think that's a problem than I don't know what to fucking tell you. But if your gonna sit here and bitch and moan about me in a different language then I would advise you to shut the hell up." I say ending my little speech with a sweet smile

"You know Italian?" Luca says excitedly

"Yea Marie was Italian so naturally she taught me when I was younger" I say while shrugging.

"Did you just call your mom Marie?" Enzo says

"Trust me. She didn't Possess the skills to even be considered a mom" I say and everyone gets quiet.

"Well now that we've finished introductions I think it's time we set some rules" Mateo says as rose takes our plates

"Rule number 1. Respect your brothers and Any adult in the house.

Rule number 2. No boyfriends.

Rule number 3. One of us must be notified when you go somewhere

rule number 4. No cursing

and lastly rule number 5. Don't go  To the 4th floor." Mateo says

"Is that it?" I ask with a slightly raised eyebrow

"Yes it is" he says

"First of all respect is earned not demanded. So if asshole number one and two" I say while pointing at Gio and Alex "won't respect me then I sure as hell won't respect them.

Second of all, You won't be seeing a boyfriend  out of me anytime soon." I say

" 3rd of all I hoped to be notified when one of you leave because if not that just makes you all a bunch of hypocrites.

4th of all sorry but I'm gonna curse because I know all six of you do to and were definitely doing it at my age.

And lastly, your businesses is your business and to be honest I don't care, so you don't have to worry about me interfering" I say

"well, you start school next week so Dante and Gio will be taking you shopping tomorrow" Mateo says

"WHAT" Gio and I yell at the same time

" why do I have to go" Gio grumbles

" why do I have to go" I say while whining

"well, I want two of you guys with her and you two are the only ones free. and Amelia its shopping for you. why WOULDN'T you be there?" Mateo ask with a questioning look on his face

"I don't like shopping" I grumble

"I thought all girls love shopping" Enzo says with an amused look on his face

"well not this girl" I say

" well too bad, you guys are leaving at 9:30 so you better get to bed" Mateo says

"whatever" I say while getting up and going to my room

once I make it back to my room I take a much longer shower this time and by the time I'm out it's about  12:00

"well I have about 2 hours until I can go to sleep" I mumble

So to pass the time I decided to explore my room a little more and when I'm finished its 1:15 am

I have about an hour until I can go to sleep so I went to go get a drink of water

Word count: 1248

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