Where it all started

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Amelia's POV:
Once we landed in Italy we got straight off of the jet and got into a truck that was waiting for us on the runway.

"So bambina, how does it feel to be home" Enzo says while smiling at me

"I still think you idiots are lying to me about being born in Italy" I say while looking out of the window

"It's true" says Mateo. "You technically didn't even get citizenship in the US until you were 3" he says

"Wow there goes my dream of running for president" I say sarcastically

"Once we get to the house, you and Dante will go shopping together for your dress and his tux." Mateo says

"If all of you have known about this, how the hell does Dante not have a suit?" I asked confused

"Language" Enzo mumbles

Glad to see they've stopped trying

"Well your 'fashionable' older brother insist on only buying his clothes when we're in Italy" Luca says while rolling his eyes

"You'll see why" Dante says with a smirk as he sees my questionable facial expression

20 minutes later

About 20 minutes after we left the airport we pulled into a huge driveway that led to a huge mansion

"Jeez this place is bigger than the house in new York " I say while getting out of the car

"Well yeah, for years we were here more than New York especially when the-" Luca starts to say until Mateo gives him a look

Hmm I'll ask him about that later

"Well your room is upstairs and it shouldn't be to hard to find, considering your name is engraved on the door " Mateo says

"Cool" I say

As I make my way upstairs I noticed that this house has a lot more family pictures than the New York house

"That's 6 months before you and mom left" Luca says when he see's me stop at a specific picture

"Everyone looked so happy" I say looking at a mom, dad, their 6 sons, and little daughter

"We were, or atleast I thought we were" he says softly

"Hey Luca, what ever happened to your dad" I say hesitantly

"Well after mom took you, it sent him down a spiral. He was drinking every day and was obviously very depressed. Once Mateo turned 19 and was able to take over the mafia, he told dad to either get his shit together or leave and well he left." Luca says

"Oh" is all I mange to say

"Yeah, well anyways Dante is waiting for you so go get changed and meet him in the garage." Luca says as he turns around and goes downstairs

I find my room pretty quickly and open the door, and it's completely different from my room back home. Instead of pinks and light colors there is more black, and greens and I love it.

I quickly find my closest and change into something simple which was just ripped light blue jeans, a white crop, and white forces

I quickly find my closest and change into something simple which was just ripped light blue jeans, a white crop, and white forces

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After I finished getting dressed, I put my contacts in , quickly did my hair and went to the garage

"So Mia, do you know how to drive?" Dante ask as he holds the keys to a Porsche Boxster

"No way" I mumble

"Yup, just promise that you won't tell Gio because this is his car" he says with a smirk

"Hell yes let's go" I say while taking the keys from him.

It took us about 15 minutes but we made it to the boutique

"How the hell did you learn to drive like that" Dante asks

"You have your hobbies I have mine" I say innocently

"Anywaysss" I say " lets go shopping" I say happily

After about 2 hours of looking I couldn't really find anything I liked

The shop lady Mary told me she had some designs that she was still working on

" here try this" she says while handing me a beautiful black dress

I tried it on and instantly fell in love. The only bad thing was my back, but it'll most likely be healed by Saturday so I should be good.

"Mia are you ready I- wow " Dante says

"What is it to much?" I ask

" no it's perfect.. i can't believe my little sister is actually back " he says after a minute

"Oh hell no. Do not go getting all emotional and shit on me, I can't even handle my own emotions what the hell do I look like dealing with other peoples" I say

"Sorry, sorry" he says with a small smile

"Hmmm let's go I'm starvinggg" I say

Once we left the boutique, we went back to the house and had dinner.. this time with Dante driving

"Since we got here so late, tomorrow we will be going out to dinner with some of our family and close friends. Thursday per Dante's request you guys will go shopping but I'm assuming Maria and Diana will want to go to so you should probably tell them tomorrow Dante" Mateo says as we all eat dinner

"And the restaurant we will be going to has  a very strict dress code so please keep that in mind" Enzo adds on

After eating a bit of dinner which was just steak and salad I decided to head upstairs and get ready for bed.

Once I got into my room I actually had a bit more time to look around. The room had some elements that a small child had once been here.

The closet holds and absurd amount of teddy bears. I look around a bit more and in the back of the closet I find a box.

I decided to take it down from the shelf and look through it

I find many little crafts pictures of a little girl who is always surrounded by boys and other little keep sakes

One picture stands out to me in particular where there is a little girl who looks about 3 hugging two boys who look to be about 5 and 6 and they all have huge grins on their face... they actually look content

They looked happy.

Uhhh hey guys

Ik it's been awhile to be completely honest I've just haven't had any motivation to write but I'm
Back and better than ever.

Anyways this is just sort of a filler chapter. next chapter we will get to meet some of the family and maybe the LI or maybe you've Already met him😏

And the two chapters after will be the ball since there will be a lot of drama there

Anyways I appreciate all of you so much and Thank you so much for giving my story a chance

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