you clean up nice

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Amelia's POV

It's the day of the ball and i'm excited to be honest. I mean am I about to be in a room with a bunch of mob men... yes I am. does that terrify me? ehh slightly.

when I woke up, this first thing I see is Dante in my bed with a laptop and a cup of coffee

"dude why the hell are you up it's 5:30 am" I say while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes

"oh good your up" he says while closing his laptop and standing up

"yea this is totally not creepy at all" I mumble to myself while laying back down

"no get your ass up, we have so much to do. you still haven't picked how you want your hair and make up and you still have to get it done" he says while opening all of my curtains and turning on the lights

"dude come on I NEVER sleep in just let me be" I wine while trying to tune him out.

"don't make me pour water on you" he says with a hint of playfulness but a whole lotta seriousness

"you wouldn't dare" I challenged

3 hours later

apparently he would dare.

he made true to his threat and ended up dousing me in a gallon of water.

I swear I almost pulled my knives out on him.

Anyways it's 8:30 and Mateo called a meeting during breakfast to go over the security details for the night.

apparently just because we're all cordial with the other mafias doesn't mean that won't stop anyone from pulling out a gun.

"so wait you're telling me if someone starts shooting you expect me to run to a car and wait for someone?" I say looking at them like they lost their minds

"yes exactly" Mateo says while nodding his head

"you must have lost your fucking mind" I say laughing while all of the boys look at me as if I've grown a second head

"language" Enzo mumbles

"yea... right. so your logic is that if they start shooting they won't expect us to split up and try to go after us and i'll be the fucking weak link since you won't give me a goddamn gun, or fucking car keys" I say while glaring at them.

"Umm... I didn't think about it like that" Mateo mumbles.

I scoff

In all honesty aren't they supposed to be the smartest and biggest mob in the world.. I'm not sure how cause they all are stupid.

"Anyways, you idiots may want to fix that before tonight because if something does happen I'm not running the other way, so you may wanna accommodate to that". I say as I get up and start walking back to my room.

"Where the hell are you going" Dante asks

"uhh to my room to get ready" I say while going up the stairs

8 Hours later

After 8 long and painful hours, I'm finally ready.

Let me take you through what happened

About 15 minutes after I went to my room a group of ladies came to help me get ready.

They waxed me... EVERYWHERE and I felt like a raw chicken. Honestly after the whole prep experience I felt a little... I don't know man degraded or something .

Anyways, after the prep they spent the remainder of time working on my nails, makeup and hair and I'm extremely happy with the results.

The makeup was a beautiful black smokey eye with a red lip, and a simple half up half down for the hair.

I'm so glad I chose the dress that I did as it covers up all of my bruises and some of the fresher looking marks.

The dress was a long silky black dress that had a deep v neck plunge and a long slit. My shoes tied the entire look as they were red bottom louboutins.

Once I was dressed and ready I decided to stay in my room for a few more minutes until we had to leave. I ended up just reading in my library until Mateo texted me to come down.

as I was going down the stairs I remembered that it's been a while since I last wore heels but it didn't take me long to figure how to walk in them again.

"Wow you clean up nice" Eli says with a smirk as I come down the stairs

"You don't look too bad yourself" I say with the same smirk

"Wow Amelia, you do look beautiful" Enzo says while taking a picture on a disposable camera as well as his phone.

"Well thank you Enzo" I say while approaching him for a hug

As I looked around, I noticed that the boys all wore their red and black in different ways

Some just wore red ties, while others wore red shirts, but I noticed that they all had the family logo on in different ways rather it be a ring or cuff links.

"Oh Amelia heres a necklace, Never take it off as it lets others know who you are and it serves as a reminder to yourself to always strive for excellence" Mateo says as he puts it around my neck.

I look down and its a dainty gold necklace with the family logo

"Uhhh thanks" I say s bit taken a bsck

" well Idiots lets get this show on the road"




Hey guys!! I know it's been so long and i genuinely apologize. If I'm being honest I kind just lost motivation lol  but I'm back with more inspo!!  be on the lookout for more chapters and look for updates and sneak peaks on my writing insta // tay.writesx_ . k byeeee!

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