"I Don't dance"

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Amelia's POV

After what felt like the longest car ride ever with those idiots, we finally made it to the party.

I was beyond pissed almost the entirety of the drive because those asshats don't know how to stay still

20 minutes earlier:

"So Amelia are you excited for your first ball?" Says Luca

"Well technically its not her first ball" Dante mutters while looking at his phone

"Yea, whatever" I say while trying to figure out how to tune them out for the next 20 minutes with no headphones

"Gio, giuro su Dio, if you touch me one more time I will cut your hand off" says Alex while looking extremely pissed
(I swear to god)

"Oh shut the hell up your all talk" Gio says while slapping the back of Alex's head

"You son of a bitch what the hell did I say" Alex says while bawling up his fist

"Jesus christ I have to deal with this shit for 2 more years" I mutter under my breath

"Imagine how I feel" says Mateo while checking his phone

Once we arrived to the party, we went over the security details one more time before we got out of the limo

Luckily these idiots used their heads and arranged a car for me in case I needed to leave, Luca told me where I could easily find a gun though.

"Ok, so we all walk in together in a line, 3 youngest boys in the back, 3 oldest boys in the front and Amelia in the middle." Says Mateo as we all walk toward the building

Great so all the damn attention will be on me

"Alright fuckers let's get this show on the road"

When we walk in I am introduced to the entire party which was a bit nerve wracking, but my nerves quickly settled.

A little while later, Mateo and I began making our way around the venue to everyone

He introduces me to many people. Other crime lords, family, family friends, people who work for them, and still one family in particular stood out to me

10 minutes earlier:

"Ok Amelia this next family I'm about to take you to is our biggest ally. The Spanish and the Italians have been allies for generations and this is their first time seeing you since you were 4 years old so please for the sake of all of our lives be on your best behavior" says Mateo

"Yea whatever" I say while rolling my eyes.

These guys really have no faith in me.

"Ah my good friend Mateo how are you" says a handsome man who looks to be in his mid 40's

"I'm good Manuel, how are you and your family" says Mateo while shaking who I now know to be Manuel's hand.

"We are all excellent, my son and daughter are right over there, and my wife went to the ladies room but should be back momentarily" says Manuel while looking at me with a look of observation

"This must be your princess" says Manuel while taking my hand in his

"Yes this is Am-"

"Amelia Valentino" I say cutting Mateo off. I hate when people speak for me.

"Ah a young lady who can speak up. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss. Valentino. I will introduce you to my children" he says while signaling over 2 teens about my age

I swear the boy looks extremely famil-

"Ciao bellissima" says they boy with a small smirk on his face
(Hello beautiful)

"I knew you looked familiar" I say while looking at the boy

"So I see you two know each other" Mateo says while looking at us suspiciously

"Yea, Xavier is in my AP Calc class" I say

"Wait I'm sorry Amelia, but didn't you just turn 16. How are you in a class with my son" says Manuel

"I take a few advanced classes. " I say with a small head nod

"Ahh smart and beautiful" say's Xavier

"Anyways, this is my daughter Gianna, and my wife Melissa" says Manuel

"Pleasure to meet you both" I say with a smile

They both look my way with a small head nod and smile. hmm women of few words. Seems like my kind of people

"Well Amelia has many others to meet with tonight so shall I see you all later tonight, and if not at your daughters birthday ball next month?" Says Mateo

"Sure, and Amelia let's have a dance later on" says Xavier with a wink.

"Yea I don't dance, so good luck with that" I say with a small smirk

"We shall see" he says while walking off with his family

"So Mia, how are you enjoying your birthday party?" Says Eli with a mouth full of food

"First of all you're fucking gross" I say while handing him a napkin. "And second of all it's alright, I'm just ready to go get in bed and read a book" I say while looking out into the crowd

" of course you are Mia, you really need to learn to relax and have fun dude." He says a bit more seriously

Ha. Fun. Yea right I could never imagine having fun. I don't deserve to ever have fun .

"And Mia stop letting that monster control you, he's gone now, your free" he says with more of a whisper

"Yea I know your right, I just can't get the dreams to stop, you know?" I say while looking down at my hands

"Yea I know Mia, have you told your brothers anything about Marie and Mark?" He asks

"No, I don't trust them yet, besides it's over, what could they do now" I say

"They could-" Eli starts to say before he's interrupted

"Sorry to interrupt, but Amelia I think it's time for our dance" says Xavier from behind me

Eli nods his head with a small smile and walks away as Xavier takes my hand

"I told you I don't dance" I say as he pulls me to the dance floor

"And I told you we'll see" he says with a smirk

"So, when's your actual birthday " Xavier says and be slowly glides me around the dance floor.

"In two days, October 3rd" I say

"You being a Libra doesn't shock me" he says while dipping me

"I don't really know much about zodiac signs, so what are some traits of a Libra?" I ask

"Intelligent, diplomatic, open minded, compatible with aries" he says that last part a bit quickly

"And am I correct to assume that your an Aries" I say with a smirk

"See, you are intelligent " he says with a smile

"Well I don't really believe in zodiacs, so I guess I'm going to have to look more into this compatibility thing" I say as the song comes to an end

"Well, let me know what you find when we head back to school next week" he says

And with that he's off into the crowd.

Word count: 1142

See you guys next time!


- Tay

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