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Amelia's POV:

"Ok Teo you have the camera right?" Luca whispers

"Yea, whatever your gonna do, do it quick shes waking up" Mateo grumbles

"Ok enzo you have the cake, gio and Alex you have the confetti poppers, and Dante has the silly string" Luca says making sure everyone is in place

"Ok great on my count of three" Luca starts


I think about letting these fools know I'm awake


But I think about the fact that I know luca has been looking forward to this and it would make him happy, so I'll just go along with it.


All of a sudden I'm hit in the face with confetti and silly string while luca is screaming at the top of his lungs happy birthday while shaking me "awake"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOOMOO" I hear eli as he runs at me full force jumping on top of me

Luckily my body has pretty much healed so it didn't hurt as much as it would have

"Ahh get off of me you fat moose" I yell while trying to shove him off

Key word being tried, this dude is pure fat

"Dude it's time to get up, youre finally 16" he says while getting up

"Yea yea I'm up" i say while sitting up with a huff

"Ok now mia blow out your candles" Luca says while motioning Mateo and Enzo to get closer

I look at Enzo's hand and i see he's holding a pink cake in his hands, and as I lean in a little closer I see what it actually says

"Happy bday bad bitch?" I say while raising an eyebrow looking at everyone

"Yea it was luca and Eli's idea, they swore you'd love it" Dante says with a shrug

"Well I think it's perfect, thank you boys" I say with a genuine smile and then i blow out my candles and make a wish

"Ok mia get up and get dressed we have a long day ahead of us" Luca says while attempting to rip my covers off. I hold on tightly not wanting any of us to die of embarrassment

"Oh shit I forgot you do that" Eli mumbles while backing out of the room

"Does what" gio questions looking at me weirdly

"She only sleeps in a t shirt"

After awkwardly getting the boys out of my room, I decide to get ready for the day.

Since dinner wasn't until later on, I just decided to wear a pair of black pants and a green sweater with my blazers for shoes. I decided that I would dress up more tonight for dinner.

I just decided on a ponytail for my hair as I hadn't decided how I'd do it tonight, and for makeup I went very minimal with just mascara and a bit of blush.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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