What the hell?

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Amelia's POV:

Since I have a pretty good memory, I was able to get to the kitchen without getting lost and waking someone up.

Once I had reached the kitchen I went over to the cupboard and started looking for a cup.

Once I found it I started to take it off of the shelf when all of a sudden someone yelled.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house"

I act before I think and I run up to whoever it is and punch them in the jaw.


Why the fuck does he a have gun!?

"Gio what the hell, its me!" I yell

"What's going on" I hear Mateo say as he turns on the light.

"Your fucking dumbass brother thought it was ok to point a gun at me" I say angry

"I didn't-" Gio starts to say

"In my office.. NOW!" Mateo yells

"Why the hell does he even have a gun" I ask Mateo as Gio leaves the kitchen.

"Just for safety reasons" he says a little to calmly

"Bullshit. Who the hell is after you for him to have a gun at 17!" I yell

"Nothing that concerns you sorellina" he says
(Little sister)

"The hell if it doesn't. I live here now. I have a right to know" I say

"No you don't. Now go to bed you have to be up early" he says while walking out of the kitchen

"Whatever" I say mumbling under my breath

Gio's POV (surprise!):

What the hell was she even doing down there so late.

As I walk to Mateo office a million thoughts run through my head

How the fuck does she know how to punch so hard

How did she disarm me so fast.

But then I also realized.. I just pointed a gun at her.

It's not that I care about her or anything because I don't. She's not apart of this family or ever will be, but I still pointed a gun at a child which is a big no in our family.

"Now tell me what the fuck happened"Mateo says as he walks into his office and closes the door.

" I heard someone downstairs and I knew it wasn't any of you. I forgot that she's here and I just grabbed my gun and acted. I didn't really think" I say nonchalantly.

"And that's the fucking problem. Don't think I haven't noticed your attitude towards her. How the fuck do you forget that the sister who we've been searching for, for years is back here?" Mateo yells

"I haven't been searching because I don't know the bitch. None of us want her here. You think her being here will bring dad back, Enzo only wants her here because he was one of her favorites, Dante just doesn't fucking care, Luca thinks he can forget what happened with dad now that she's back, and Alex can see through the bullshit like I can." I yell back

"Gio I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you but you need to get through your head that she is family, e la famiglia è tutto" he said back calmly
(And family is everything)

"What fucking ever" I mumble as I leave his office.

Amelia's POV

After Gio and Mateo went to the office I decided to follow them and listen to their conversation.

Now I'm back in my room and thinking about everything that I just heard.

I didn't expect them to like me and I sure as hell don't like them but I must admit it does hurt a bit that they just see me as a emotional release for them.

I'm not sure how long I can continue living here with them. I'm not happy, I'm not comfortable and I just... I don't know I don't think I can't do it.

I start school Monday which I'm definitely not excited about. Starting over obviously isn't for me and now I have to start at a new school... a fucking private school at that and I don't have time for rich fucking snobby girls attitudes.

I decided since I still wasn't tired that I would read a bit, so I went into the library that was in the room above my room and see what books Dante picked out for me.

I must admit he has pretty good taste, he has the classics and even newer ones.

I decided to just read one that I read millions of times; Things we Never Got Over

I don't know I just can read that book over and over again.

After finishing a few chapters realizing that it was 4 am, I decided to try to get at least a few hours of sleep before the mall the next morning. Lord knows I'm gonna need it to deal with them.

Word count: 804

Super short chapter on because I am putting multiple chapters out today.

But how do we feel about Gio right now? Do you think what he's saying about the other brothers is true?

ALSO I finish school on may 27th soooo after that I should have a set updating schedule.

Also also I promise this story will be on episode just not yet because the artist I am getting the art scene done for has decided to avoid me.. AFTER IVE ALREADY PAID HER IN FULL.

Anyways... have an amazing day babes 💋

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