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Amelia's POV:

After the Ball, the boys and I decided to head back home. Luca being him decided to have a 'sibling after party' (His words not mine).

so by the end of the night we were all arguing and luca had a busted lip over a nasty game of twister




Next Day:

The next morning I woke up early as it was our last day in Italy for a few weeks

The boys wanted me to be in New York for my actual birthday for whatever reason, so we planned to leave at about 12 pm.

Before we left I decided to go with Enzo to a gelato shop because he wanted me to have real Gelato.

I haven't really been able to get to know Enzo, so this would be good alone time for the both of us to get to know each other. It honestly was really fun. Besides Dante and Luca, I think Enzo is the only other brother I can actually stand.

Anyways after our early morning gelato, we got back to the house for the few hours we have before we have to leave.

                            Luca Valentino

Luca: Hey Mia come downstairs
Me: why?
Luca: something I wanna show you
Luca: because
Me:But why?
Luca: just get your ass down here
Me: ok rude but fine I'll be down in a sec

After making sure my school travel bag was packed I looked around the room once more deciding I would give it a upgrade next time we came back, and closed the door and went downstairs to find Luca.

"Hey, come sit there's some stuff I want to show you" he says while sitting on the couch with 3 boxes surrounding him.

"Uhh, oh?" I say while making my way over to him.

"Uhm so the last few weeks I've been thinking about how little you really know about the family, so I want to explain as much as I can to you. I know I won't have all the answers your probably looking for but I do want to make this process easier for you" Luca says while scratching scratching the back of his head

"Ok, what do you have?" I say looking at all the boxes while sitting down

"Well I want to start by saying, before you and Marie left, we were all so fucking happy, or well atleast I thought we were" he says while taking out a few family photos

Taking the photos I see me, all of the boys, Marie and my father. In all of the photos we all look happy.

Most of them show my brothers looking at me adoringly while our parents smile at all of us.

"We still aren't sure what made marie leave with you, but we do know that after you two left our family turned to shit" he says while digging through the box for other pictures

"This was the first family picture we took two years after you left. Dad didn't even want to do it but Nonna forced him" he says showing me a picture of all of the boys and our dad, all looking extremely numb of emotions.

"We all began to change after you left. After about 2 years of searching dad started drinking really bad. When he would drink, he was completely out of it, so in a way we lost three people when you two left." He says looking at me with a small smile.

"Anyways, after awhile mateo got older and started taking more and more responsibility for us boys as dad started to drink himself more and more out of our lives. Then as soon as Teo turned 18, it was his birth right to inherit the mafia, especially considering dad hadn't been a good job of keeping things in check. He gave dad the ultimatum to either get his shit together or get the fuck out, and well he left us. We don't know where the hell he is or even if he's still alive" Luca says while showing me pictures of just the boys all looking even more void of emotions.

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