Who taught you that?

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Amelia's POV:

The next morning I woke up at about 6:00 am.

Seems kinda early for a teen right? Well when you have to wake up early to make sure breakfast is ready for your no shit of a stepdad, your body just starts waking itself up after a while.

Once I got up, took a shower and put on some Jeans and a sweatshirt I made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

Once I got there I saw Mateo who I actually expected to be up. I don't know he just seems like an early riser.

"Good morning little sister" he says while sipping his coffee

"Good morning" I say while sitting at the table with one of my books.

"You're not going to eat?"He says while looking through his glasses

God, he looks like a fucking dad

"No dinner filled me up really well last night" I say while opening my book

"You barely ate last night" he says sounding concerned

"I'm just not hungry" I say while shrugging

"Anyways" he says obviously not wanting to pry anymore

"Why are you up so early. I thought kids your age slept until like 3 pm or something" he says

" I've always been an early riser" I say nonchalantly

"Well, you are leaving I'm about an hour or two, probably later because the boys are late risers. But I want to tell you now, do not try to go off without your brothers" he says the last part very sternly

"Whatever didn't plan on it" I say while still reading my book

2 hours later

"Oh my gosh why the hell does it take so long for you two to get ready" I say as I get in the backseat of Dante's car

"Because little sister this perfection isn't achieved on his own" he says while checking himself out in his rearview mirror

To that, I just roll my eyes

We get to the mall about 15 minutes later and it's huge.

I mean I've never been to the mall so I don't have much to compare it to but still.

"Don't leave our side" Gio grumbles

"Relax, Mateo has already given me the speech" I say while rolling my eyes

"So what store do you want to go into first" Dante ask

"I don't know, I don't really like to shop" I say

"Well good thing your here with me, let's go" he says while dragging my arm

We walked into a few stores like aréopostale, American eagle, Hollister, zumiez, Gucci and a lot more stores.

Once we got into the second store I was becoming very irritated because every time I looked at something for too long, Dante would just put it in the basket.

After a while, we were walking from the apple store, after Dante had just brought me a new phone, headphones, and watch, and a computer for school. I all of a sudden noticed someone watching us very closely

"Gio I think some is watching us"
I whisper to him

"Nobody is watching us now shut the hell up" Gio says while looking at his phone

Whatever I think to myself

About an hour later after we had left our last store: Victoria secret (which the boys insisted on I go in by myself) , I decided to go to the bathroom before we left.

Once I got into the bathroom I heard very loud footsteps enter, and I automatically knew they were men's footsteps.

Shit I think it's the guy that's following me

My first instinct is to call Dante or Mateo but then I realize, I don't have a phone and the one I got today isn't even set up yet

Fuck, I'm in deep shit

I decided to use a bit of what I remembered from the lessons I got from him

I quickly ran out of the bathroom punched the guy straight in the gut.

Once he was slouched over, I grabbed his head and knocked it into the wall a few times. A move he taught me when we first met.

After that, I kicked the back of his legs so now he was lying flat on the ground.

Since I had the advantage of running up to him without paying attention, he hasn't really gotten a punch in on me.

Once he was on the ground I punched him one good time and he was out.

When I walked out of the bathroom Gio and Dante were both just standing looking on their phones

"So you two idiots didn't see the huge guy that came into the bathroom" I ask

"What?!" Both Gio and Dante yell at the same time

"Yeah, he was the one that was following us, LIKE I TOLD YOU GIO, and he came in the bathroom so I erhm handled myself.." I say

"What do you mean handled yourself?" Dante ask

"Well come and see for yourself" I say while smirking

Once we got back into the bathroom the guy was still in the corner passed out

"What the hell did you do to him" Gio ask?

"I just defended my self" I say while holding my hands up innocently

"Anyways, will someone please explain to me why the hell he was following us? I ask

"Ask Mateo" both Gio and Dante say at the same time

After calling Mateo, some of the security guards who I've seen in the house came and picked the guy up.

"How the hell did you manage to take on a guy that looks about 6"5 and definitely weighs more Than 200 Ibs" Dante ask as we get into the car

" I had a friend who taught me" I say

"You speak of this friend as if they're dead" Dante says

" He is." I say bluntly

"Oh I'm so sorry sorellina" he says

"It's whatever" I say while looking out of the window.

After we got back to the house, Mateo called a family meeting in the living room.

"So, I need to know exactly what the hell happened at the mall" Mateo says calmly

So I told them the entire story with a lot of details.

Some of them looked shocked, a few looked proud. "A few" being mainly Luca.

"Well Amelia I guess it's time we tell you who we are since you realize that we have enemies" Mateo says

"Dude you're telling her now?" Luca says

"Yeah she has to know or she's just going to snoop" Mateo says

"Know what?" I ask impatiently

"We are the Italian mafia"

Ahhh sorry I've taken sooo long to update. School got really hectic, I was at practice a lot for my friend's quince and track, and I was always so tired on Saturday nights and Sundays.

Anyways I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far and I promise the update will be out very soon. I already have the next two chapters written, I just have to edit them.

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram to know when the next chapter will be released and to see other things. ( tay.writesx_)

Word count: 1150

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