Gamer and Lucifer

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 I felt like talking about these to for once because both of there characters have A LOT to unpack here so let's get this over with...( yes this is explain there backstory) 

Lucifer's Death: 

Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer.... The Demonic Guarding Demon of Gamer, even he was a Sinner as well, for a little back round of him he was pretty  lazy and spoiled. He's Parents would give him what ever he wanted and he always got the attention first he could be mean and get away with it, which this made his older Brother angry. His Brother, Spencer and his friends would always bet on him to see if he's really the best so Lucifer would always accepted and win. Now, one thing about Lucifer is that back then he was afraid of heights which he kept a secret until Spencer found out and told his friends, a few days later on a school camping trip they took Lucifer aside and bet on him that he could survive standing on an old broken down bridge for 10 minutes. Despite his fear Lucifer accepted the deal and went on the bridge, Spencer wanted to fright him more by moving the bridge a little which his friends thought that it was going to far, Lucifer looks down and starts to panic that he tries to run back to the land until the ropes brake. Spencer tried to grab the ropes quickly but it was to late, Lucifer fell down to his death hitting every rock in the way and then falling towards a river stream..... his body was never found..... 

 Gamer's Death: 

 You know how I said Gamer or Corrupted Gamer don't remember there past? well they don't..... but I'm going to tell you how they died anyways. Some of this is based of real events that had happened to me but basically  there Parents are divorced and they weren't really accepting of them being Agender Aro/Ace. They have been in many toxic relationships which builds up not only there social issues and trust issues but there anger.... which eventually they have enough so they snap and starts to hurt the people around them. They end up running towards the forest where they find and electric out post, the cops chases them there and in a move with out thinking they hit the electrical out post electrocuting everyone near it including them.... 

I should also probably say that depending on how you die and what kind of person there you are in life has to do with the type of demon that you are..... for example Lucifer because he died of falling and blood loss along with drowning  and that he's filled with pride( not the pride that your thinking of) he is an Eagle demon, since he fell to his death he can now fly. As for Gamer they are a computer demon, since they died of electrocution they can now absorb electricity and use it as energy along with causing any type of robotic or electric power. But not only is how you lived and died affects what kind of demon are you but also the sins you made which I'm about to explain next. 

Life in hell: 

 now a little backstory on how Hell works there is different layers (or circles if your religious) of Hell shown here: 

 now a little backstory on how Hell works there is different layers (or circles if your religious) of Hell shown here: 

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(last one would be the Main layer of Hell where I guess the Queen lives, and tortures the horrible people there.... or school-)

so each sinner, depending on there job and sins live and what I like to call when a demon arrives there, spawn there. For Lucifer he went to the main layer of Hell the very bottom and Gamer went to anger/Wrath. In this case Lucifer was just giving beautiful feathers and aesthetic looks while Gamer, besides he claws and eyes they were also given I guess what they call a Kill mode of sorts. It only turns on when there angry which just to describe it because I'm still working on that drawing they have full red eyes with white and the green part of there hair is red along with the blue part on the antennas, they also have what ever Zim has on the back

Lucifer's life in hell wasn't I would say interest to say the least, he had many boyfriends and girlfriends since he was confused about his sexuality which lead him to have many exs in the later future, he then signed up to become a Demonic guardi...

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Lucifer's life in hell wasn't I would say interest to say the least, he had many boyfriends and girlfriends since he was confused about his sexuality which lead him to have many exs in the later future, he then signed up to become a Demonic guardian so the rest of his after life was spent training until the day he was signed a new partner. 

Gamer on the other hand they continued to do there unfinished and well kill who ever they find annoying. This caught the Queens attention and decided to bring them in..... they offered them to become a Half-Demon and be signed to be Lucifer's partner for the rest of there after life, so they accepted it and got there memories taken away 

Partners In Crime: 

After Gamer training and there first target to kill being signed to them, them and Lucifer never got along the first time because of Lucifer being ignorant and Gamer having trust issues. after the the target was killed unlike the other Half-demons who stayed on earth Gamer and Lucifer went back for another and they've been doing this for a few years now like, 3,470 years or something. They've killed 99 targets(Ivy is there 100 target) and over time Lucifer and them got along pretty well up to the point where they have a platonic relationship or a sibling like relationship. The only reason why Lucifer and Gamer went back to hell is because of them not being able to connect to the people on earth since at the time magic was being a new thing and so they people didn't like them but as time went on things changed and so this time around with Ivy they might have found there new home... 

as for the scar on Gamer's face, it was Ivy's Fault since she attack them with a knife with holy water- as for the card board crown, it was a symbol to show the loyalty they had for the queen despite her being a bitch to everyone.... 

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