Deliver Us

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Cementoss, the ever quite man sitting with his fellow teachers in the upper rows, was able to get his hands on the holographic tablet to choose the next verse.

Snipe and Ectoplasm were making a few suggestions here and there on either side of him as they glacé at the pad.

Out of the titles he chose to go with a title he found in the history category. Although he teacher modern literature, he thought he could change things up a little. So he chose the first one as to not hear any more suggestions from his friends.

Choosing the title, the tablet disappears from his hands and the title appears on the screen.

Deliver Us

"An intriguing title," Nezu muses before taking a sip of his tea again.

All Might leans back in his seat curious to see how this one will go as well.

The students sharing quiet whispers of how this will go and who will be starring in this alternate world.

The villains internally hoping this one wasn't so much leaning towards heroes specifically. They could handle anything else but too much hero worship.

The screen fades to a blurry light of clouds obscuring the bright sun.

The people in the audience flinch in their seat in surprise by something being slammed down with a hard thud enough to bring dust up into the air.

"Mud!" Comes a hard, chorused exclamation from many people shown working hard under pressuring supervision. "Sand!" Something sharp cracks in the air.

People on the screen are shown in a large lot of some kind, working with dirts d sand to make buildings and statues. Basically all of them are men who are hardly dressed appropriately.

Those working wore no shirt but tattered pants or loin cloths. While those who seem to be dressed better wear more comfortable clothes compared to the working men.

"No, this can't be..." Midoriya says worriedly watching the screen. Already having some kind of idea what's going on in this alternate world.

Uraraka fringes back at the next scene shown like most of the others in the others in the audience.

"Water!" They exclaims as some are shown dumping water into the mud pit where some others are churning the mud with their feet. One stumbles over and falls by the heavy fall of the water.

Bundles of straw are also thrown in like their words. "Straw!"

Another crack of the whip rings through the air. "Faster!" One of the overseers orders harshly with no remorse.

All Might hits his fist against the top of his arm rest. "No!"

Midnight squints at the harsh treatmeant to the workers, no, slaves. "They're slaves..."

The scene moves on to another group who are creating mud bricks and moving to lift them on a board to another location. "Mud and lift!"

"Sand and pull!" Another change in scene where a different group is shown plowing a new field on barely barren earth.

"Water and raise up!" Large jugs are shown to be lifted by many men to a higher level where work is being done on a statue.

Kirishima clenches the head of his arm rests tightly. "This isn't manly... They're working so hard under hard conditions."

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