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Surprisingly the tablet made it's way back to another villain, but no, not just any villain.

All for One curiously held the mysterious device in his hands. Feeling it so until he realizes there are braille bumps for him to read the titles much to his amusement. The theater had taken consideration to his blind disability.

His successor's minions making light suggestions as he scrolls through the titles. Taking his time to read while sometimes Shiragaki would suggest a few titles aloud next to him.

Finally another world is chosen to be shown once the tablet disappears from his hands. The title appearing on screen.


"Of course he would," Gran Torino sighs while shaking his head.

All Might next to him is glaring the villain's way with probably the force of a thousand suns enough to be hellfire itself. Not that the villain could care less about his furious gaze.

The screen alights to show the view into the world, their setting scene inside a large lab of some sort. Glass cylinders with nomus unmoving inside them while some others are left empty. The camera pans over to a white haired man standing with their back faces to them. The man in question staring at the computer screens before him.

One in particular is zoomed in of, an open picture of a young, slim lady with long green hair, some tied up in a small bun behind her head. She wore a flowy white sundress with white and silver dangling earrings. Her smile so bright, warm, and welcoming.

"Me?" Inko whispers behind her hand. Her best friend, Mitsuki, holding at her forearm unconsciously in protection.

The man's face on screen is so revealed and there a few gasps in the audience.

Inko's eyes got teary, "Hisashi..." She couldn't believe it. Her dear husband on screen in a place so freighting to give a chill to her bones.

Crimson eyes are downcast since they stay dazed on her photo before he turns around to walk around the lab. His hands held together behind his back.

Music starts to play, ominous voices in whisper like volumes sing around him.

"Beata Maria," He begins to sing with his strong voice. "You know I am a righteous man. Of my virtue I am justly proud..."

And to you, Father~

The audience hears an unknown voice sing after the unknown villain on screen. They're more soft, whisper like as they creep within the dim darkness of the room the villain occupies.

Izuku has his breath caught in his throat, words cannot describe how concerned and worried he is about his mother falling into the evil villain's target range.


Said woman bitting at her bottom lip as she continues to watch the screen.

"Beata Maria, you know I'm so much purer than the common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd." A flash of white to show a crowd of people gathering in a plaza of some sorts.

That I have sinned~

Many listening to him as he voicelessly speaks to the large crowd before him with a kind smile. Another transition where he is the one in the crowd, observing people who listen to the sound of none sense heroes trying to vouch for their support.

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