Dear Me

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Nezu hums in amusement as the next title card is show to them. The words in bold reading 'Dear Me' proudly and leaving them in wonder.

"Dear Me?" Momo reads with a slight tilt to his head. "Oh! Perhaps it's Midoriya writing about himself he wish he could say to his past self!"

Inko clasps her hands together with a smile. "That would be like my son to do." She laughs slightly behind her hands.

Those who know the younger Midoriya knew his start and progress going forward so far. His determination pulling him forward to control his quirk and save those in need without hesitation.

The title screen fades off and leaves them to see a dimly lit sound booth, filled with different instruments and recording tech available. It's empty at first until the door to the place opens up.

"Here it is," They hear Jirou say as she walks into the room first and turning on the lights. Placing a hand to her hip as she looks back to the door to address the one following her. She looks older as a young adult in her late twenties. "Do you need time to practice?"

The sound of calm footsteps approach the door until the next person steps into the room. In steps Katsuki with his hands stuffed in his pants pockets. Looking around for a moment then to the sound hero with a shake of the head.

"Whoa! It's Jirou and Bakugou!" Kaminari exclaims from his seat.

Jirou sinks into her seat at the attention to her older self. Although she is rather curious about this future version of herself.

Bakugou, on the other hand, looks a little confused why he's even here in the first place. And what's this about him needing to practice something?

"Don't need to practice. Got that shit down while I was trying to put this thing together." His red eyes are seen trailing his gaze over to the recording booth. "So when are the extras getting here?"

"Denki texted me on the way up. They should be here in a few minutes or so since they're in the area." She walks over to the control board and flips a few switches after turning the device on. Turning a few knobs before pulling to a moments pause. "Ne, why are you doing this Kats?"

Bakugou is then shown fiddling with a piece of folded paper between his fingers. His eyes not meeting hers while he answers. "To fix somethings I left behind..." His red eyes take a regretful look to them as he stops to hide the folded paper in his closed hand.

"You left something behind bro?" Kirishima asks his friend next to him with a confused look.

"Other me must of lost shit, I surly didn't." The blond responds with a annoyed huff.

"Not trying to pry into it, but I hope you know what you're doing."

The blond chuckles lightly as he shows the folded piece of paper on his palm. "Don't worry your pretty little head. Nothing's going to change much."

A knock on the door to the room brings their attention to the new arrivals. Kaminari coming in first with smile and wave as his greeting. Following him are Tokoyami and Momo who also greet them simply carrying some instrument cases.

"I brought what you needed Bakugou-kun. I hope this helps with what you need to do." Adult Momo says with some hopefulness in her tone. She seemed to be curious for this thing that Bakugou wants to do to but doesn't want to pry into it like Jirou.

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