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Uraraka got the tablet after the last world they saw to her amazement. Iida and Midoriya beside her happily watch her scroll through the different types of worlds for her to choose from to watch.

Like the rest, a title catches her eye. She chooses the title and let's the tablet disappears from her hands.


Embarrassed, Uraraka rubs the back of her neck with a flushed face. "I thought the name of the world is pretty."

Unlike the last few worlds, this has a few notes to explain this world she chose.

•Gems are sentient beings who come from outer space on planet called Homeworld

•Ruled over by the strongest, Diamonds, three of them

•Every gem has a purpose, a certain job assigned to their type

•Fusion, a big deal in this universe. When gems fuse they create an entire entity other than two minds sharing one body, in a sense a new gem

Everyone got comfortable in their seats with intrigued expressions on their faces. This world had a feeling of difference away from the musical ones. Like there is an actual story to be told.

The world starts off on beautiful sandy beach with waves from the ocean gently crashing against the shore. A stone temple carved in the image of a tall woman facing toward the sea with her arms by her body and back against a tall cliff.

"Jade!" They heard a young voice of a boy call.

It would seem like their main character is new as he appears on screen.

The screen transitions to a boy with dark brown colored hair, a soft round face with similar round brown colored eyes. His expression happy as he run on the sand to a familiar face sitting before the shore.

The person the boy called 'Jade' is none other than Asui Tsuyu. She looks the same as ever, but the colors of her skin a nice light green and a jade gem embedded onto the front of her chest.

"Oh, so that's what the title means." Nezu sips his tea, his black pin eyes attentive of the screen.

"How interesting indeed," All for One mumbles to himself.

Tsuyu smiles at the boy and pats the space next to her for him to sit. He does so happily and looks to the green female.

"How was your day Shuri, kero?" Tsuyu asks looking at the boy curiously.

"It was nice. I visited Jirou and Kaminari over at the Big Donut shop."

Jirou promptly elbowed Kaminari on the side when he heard him laugh.

Then I hung out with the big kids: Monoma, Awase, Kendo for a bit. Before I came to see you, I was with Garnet and Pearl," His smile is soft but his expression shows he wants to talk about something else.

"I wonder who took their roles," Eri whispers curiously to her seat partner.

"I know we said this before, but you can call us by the human names we chose you know." She pats the child on the head while Shuri pouts a bit.

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