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Kirishima was surprised to get the tablet next to choose the next world to view. He wanted to choose something manly like any other thing as usual but came across a familiar word as a title.

Weighing his options for a moment he then decided to choose the later for a different taste than his usual theme.

The tablet disappears from his hands and the title appears on the black screen in white lettering.


Kirishima rubs the back of his neck with a smile. "I decided to go with something different. I could always choose something manly next round anyways."

The audience gets comfortable in their seats and watches the screen alight into a familiar setting. The adults more so recognize the place but the teen's and young adults were having more of a difficult time remembering where they've seen the setting from.

That's until someone comes into the camera's view spinning around happily in a coral and white trimmed colored dress.

"Ooh, I do, I do, I do, I do~" Female Kirishima sings as she appears dancing into the screen. Her expression so in love.

"I'm female here!" The red headed hero student points out when he realizes it's him. Kirishima notices the clothes his counterpart is wearing it seems familiar to him.

Mina awes at her friends counterpart. "Do I sense female Kirishima's love?!"

"Mina," Kirishima whines embarrassed.

"Hey!" Eiji exclaims as she cups her own cheeks cutely as she sways to the music. "Ooh, I do, I do, I do, I do~ Boy, you got me helpless~"

"Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit." As she sings, Bakugou's familiar face shows on screen looking around before looking at the audience with a nice smile. "I'm helpless~"

Eiji drops to the floor smiling silly to herself with a flushed look. "Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em."

Those in the audience were starting to understand where this viewing of the world was going. The familiarity hitting them slowly until someone points it out for the rest of the audience who haven't understood it yet.

"Isn't this from the same world as the one with female Midoriya letting her sister have Bakugou instead?!" Mineta exclaims.

"I guess this is from Kiri's point of view of that time we watched female Midoriya a couple worlds ago," Kaminari says as he glances over his friends, Bakugou and Kirishima.

The audience recalls that female Midoriya lets female Kirishima marry Bakugou, setting her feeling aside because she has a duty as eldest.

If anything Kirishima sits in his seat awkwardly watching the world out next to his best Bro. Bakugou watching the screen without giving an expression of what he's thinking watching this.

The red head gets back onto her feet as the background turns black around her. The spot light falling on her much to her dismay. "I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight. We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night." Eiji steps out of the spotlight and replaces herself with Uraraka who looks surprised.

Then walking away to see some other party occupants having a grand old time. Drinking and dancing with the ladies at the party.

Eiji turns her head to Midoriya-chan talking up the guests. Her eldest sister's form among them radiant with a dazzle. "Laughin' at my sister as she's dazzling the room."

"Oui! She is dazzaling!" Aoyama exclaims in his seat.

The rest of the audience does agree.

Surprisingly the doors of the ballroom are slammed open, catching the two sister's attention. A few young men entering the room followed by Bakugou who catches eye with someone off screen before seemingly briefly meeting Eiji's eyes.

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