Welcome, it's ShowTime!

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It would be a normal day for Class 1-A and their teachers as usual.

But the usual involves at least one thing happening from the unordinary in the daily life of the troublesome students of Class 1-A.

The day starts the same, the students of U.A. coming to school on a weekday after finishing up some previous heroic internship work. The students a bit tired but ready to learn from their hero teachers about how to be a good hero and the usual common study.

Aizawa, as usual, shelled up in his typical yellow sleeping bag while waiting for his students to file into the classroom before the bell rings.

Almost all of his problem children present from some peeks out of his warm cocoon.

The last of his students entering and the big problem hits them without warning.

A quick pop and Aizawa and his students are seated in a theater like room with some other people taken with them in this weird place.


"Whoa Bakubro! Calm down!"

"Where are we?!"

"A villain attack?!"

"Quiet! All of you!" Aizawa strictly commands to his students. Their yelling is starting to give him a headache from his lack of sleep. Never the less he is focused and awake since they were brought into in charted territory. "Give me a moment to figure out the situation."

Looking a round while his students quiet themselves, he finds that yes- this is a theater of some sort. There aren't really any doors for an exit except for doors for restrooms and a quiet room as their clearly labeled. His students are all seated in the rows before his own in full. The row before him is empty of people, similar to his own.

On the other half of the theater is a quadrant not filled by any of the students either. It was rather distant given the space between where they sat to there.

It was concerning.

"Whoa!" He hear one of his students say along with a tell tale pop that brought them here.

More people they knew are brought into the theater to occupy the empty seats.

The row before him filled with familiar faces of his students' family. Not all of them but just Bakugou and Midoriya's parent(s). Mr. Bakugou sitting in the aisle seat and the two women sitting in the two seats next to him. The empty seats next to them filled by the Eri, Kouta, and the Big Three while the teacher staff, Grand Torino, and Recovery Girl are plopped into the seats in his row.

The more surprising guest come in when they appear in the other seats separated from the main group. The small rows filling up with the League of Villains and All for One which All Might stood up from his seat looking furious.


Dabi tried to use his quirk but there is hardly a blue flame in sight on his hands. "Why isn't my quirk working?!"

"Eh?! Mine isn't working either!" Kaminari exclaims from his seat. His hands raised up mid way with a concerned look to no sparks reacting to his willing call for his quirk to act up.

More and more of the students and adults around them weren't able to use them. Save for Recovery Girl who's healing quirk seem to be just fine when she tried it on one of her fellow staff members.

Their panic and confusion is answered to when the white screen of the theater comes to life with light. Words written on there welcome them and give some explanation.

Welcome Villains and Heroes! We welcome you to this theater of the Multiverse!

All of you have been chosen to watch the different realities of your universe. The Multiverse of your world! Yes! Think about it a bit, if you lived a life so differently from yours. Born different, made a different decision that would have affected your life greatly, truly something unique. Some sad, some happy, others funny or boring, who knows haha.

"Who are you?" Principle Nezu is the one to question calmly from his seat but with a curious undertone.

We? We are the Verses who sing different tales. If you refers to us, you could call us Song or Verse.

All of you will hear and watch our tales we've spun for you entertainment. Possibly to teach all of you a lesson ^^

We Verses are still one of you after all.

"Interesting," says All for One in his seat near the front row.

"What about our quirks bastard?!" Dabi asks frustrated with not having his quirk.

For the duration of your stay here, your quirks will be deactivated for the safety of both parties. Those quirks used for healing or aid the user in life will not be turned off. Physical mutations to the body by the quirk will still be present on said person but are unable to use. Hakagure will be able to keep her quirk since it is not too dangerous to do damage physically.

To put it simply, if your quirk can cause harm they will not work.

All Might is still glaring in All for One's direction as he's pulled down to sit in his seat. He's not the only one giving the number one villain a nasty look as the other heroes are concerned for their students well being.

Toga giggles and smiles when she sees Izuku not to far from her view. "Hi Izuku!"

Izuku lowers himself with a fail attempt to hide himself from her dreamy gaze. Uraraka and Iida sitting on either side of him glaring back at the crazy girl cooing at their friend.

"But what about our world? We cannot leave it defenseless when we have important people here to continue to train and in need of Recovery Girl's healing!" Iida pipes up about their situation of the world going on without them.

You're world in on a stand still, like someone pressed pause or took out the batteries of a toy. Indeed, the world you live in will not continue without you present.

This is because you world's batteries are present here in this theater.

We will not say who the two batteries are but surly some in the audience have an idea.

There are some light chatter and muttering from the audience in trying to assume who the batteries are. Some assume one is All Might for he was the former Symbol of Peace and the other is All for One. The big Hero to the powerful villain nemesis idea that run on their terms. Others think it might lie with the students to be the battery or the villains present.

"It has to be All Might and All for One," Izuku mumbles time himself as he tries on his own to come to a conclusion to the theory of who batteries their home world.

It just seems like it to him because of the powerful quirks of All for One and One for All that start the mess of Villains and Heroes.

Their attention goes back to the screen as the lights of the theater are dimmed to a low. The screen flicks to another message for them to read.

It's time for a Verse from one of us!

Yes! Listen well and watch this one of many Verses of ours!

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