The Moon Rises

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The holopad fits itself between Tsuyu's fingers innocently. She didn't think she would get the pad so quickly to choose but makes the most of her first choice.

Under a search filter, she picks from the category of fantasy. Simply choosing the second title under the first for all of them to watch.

The holographic pad disappears from her hands and the title appears on screen as usual.

The Moon Rises

"Any reason you chose this one Tsuyu-chan?" Ojirou asks her from behind her seat.

"I think we forget the moon sometimes so I wanted to see what little fantasy world had for it, kero." She smiles and thinks back to the time she read stories for her little siblings. "Also I think it would be nice to have a little story telling about the moon."

The screen a lights, the camera of the world panning over a kingdom. The sky dimming from the setting sun. The scene closes in on the castle and fades inside.

Midoriya walks down a long windowed corridor, the sun setting seen through the windows. His clothes formal and patterned like the night sky. A beautiful dark shade cape trails behind him with a scatter of glitter that seem like twinkling stars. Sitting on is head is a black crown embedded with white moonstone. In one of his hands is a long, dark staff that has a beautiful crescent moon or inner made from a gem.

Mitsuki awes at his clothes like her husband since their both fashion designers. "Those clothes look great!"

"It would make for nice reference for another line in designs," Masaru comments to his wife who nods in agreement.

Midoriya's expression solemn as he stops to look out the window for a moment. The sun setting down in the horizon slowly.

"Now the hour has come at last. The soft and fading light. Has crossed the west horizon and has bidden us goodnight~" He sings softly as he moves his staff enough to make little noise of the crystals clinking against each other.

Jirou still can't believe her classmate's voice sounds so amazing. She admires how his voice really portrays emotions.

"I wonder what's going on with Midoriya in this world," Hakagure says curious. "This one starting off pretty sad sounding."

"Maybe it has to do with that staff? He looks like he's part of royalty here." Todoroki theorizes for them with his hand holding his chin in thought.

"It seems like it."

The corridor changes to a moonlit, open field, to which he takes a few steps into with a sad expression. "And what a lovely night it is, to walk a moonlit field. To see the softer shades that are by starlight now revealed." He looks up to the full white lit moon above. The casted illusion fades away and Midoriya is back in the hallway lined with windows.

He continues down the hall, unknowingly being watched by a dressed mage known as Nighteye. His expression holding on of concern and suspicion.

"Oh , Mirai is back!" All Might says happy to see his former sidekick. Thankfully alive in this world and not another animal version of him.

Gran Torino chuckles, "He looks to be a wizard of some sort judging by the robes he's wearing with the oversized hat."

"So why is it that now, when all is quiet and at rest. When candles glow and all the world is at its very best~" The burning lanterns light his way forward now that the sun has disappeared over the horizon.

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