Lullaby for a Prince

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Mitsuki was the next person to receive the tablet. Having set on watching something similar to the previous world, she set the filters up to get one of the same setting.

It didn't take long for her to revive her options and went for the one that seemed more of importance.

Once she chose the world she wanted to watch, the tablet disappeared from her hands and the title shows on the dark screen.

Lullaby for a Prince

"Sounds cute!" Mitsuki said with a chuckle of her own. Inko smiling next to her in the choice she made seem very soothing.

The screen alights as the camera of the world opens for them.

Bakugou sits on his throne watching the court bickering with each other. One after another with complaints and arguments on how to proceed with current affairs running through his kingdom.

"Seems like this is a continuation of the previous world we saw," Principle Nezu says with interest to see Bakugou's side of the story.

"Although it looks to be he's dealing with current affairs with trouble." Ectoplasm said squinting his eyes at the screen.

"Your Majesty! We sincerely ask you to create a new troop that will personally take care of the evil of the lands of Yuuni!"

The blond merely sighs as he gets up from is throne. Large Sun staff in hand as he takes the floor. "What use is there for a personal troop to take care of the evils that run among the land of Yuuni? Do you question my trustful and handpicked knights fairing to protect our home? All of whom have sworn their life on the line to protect each and every one of us under this rule and never ask for anything in return."

Those of the court whisper and murmur around the room while the one who had made the request takes a step back with a grit of his teeth.

Red eyes look around the room narrowly with sternness. "If you question those who protect our land faithfully, our home... you question my ability to protect all of you who I shed light on. Those who I have sworn with my life to win and save for." The end of his staff hits the space next to his foot with a loud thud echoing around the room.

"I dare you, step before me now if you think you can do better than me! The one who has done all he can to provide your safety as well as those on these lands, even if I had to go against my partner to do so..." His eyes survey those around the room seeing the court still on their feet. No one to oppose him.

"That's what I thought."

He picks up his staff again and turns around.

"The Royal of the Sun dismisses the court."

Feet tap and shuffle around behind him hurriedly until the entire area is clear. The door closing shut behind them heavily.

Bakugou takes a deep breath and sighs in his empty, torch lit throne room remembering the held court meeting in the morning. He moves towards his throne but doesn't sit, instead walking past it to a secret door hidden behind red satin curtains.

He takes a hidden passage way that leads back outside of the palace building. The dimness of the hallway leaves him when the moonlight reaches him.

"Fate has been cruel and order unkind. How can I have sent you away?" Bakugou sings exiting the palace and into the large garden stationed behind the building. The moonlit garden looks beautiful to the eyes of many in the audience as the controller of the sun continues to walk around.

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