Chapter 32: Let's do this

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    I gasped awake looking around I was back at W.C.K.D I turn my head and see Thomas, Teresa, and I sitting at computers with pictures of our friends and their brain activity on them I see I have Newts on mine. 

    "Thomas?" I yell I look around, not seeing him.

    "I'm over here! He says waving his arm to where he was at he was standing next to a worker looking over his shoulder to revel a live webcam of the maze. Then a lady in a white lab coat comes up to the Thomas and I sitting at the computers and whispers "W.C.K.D. is good"

    "What the hell?" I say he just gives me a saddened look I look around again and see a door creaked open with a bright wight light. "Thomas... look" he turns and looks at the door, we start to slowly  walk towards the door until we stop right in front of it. I give Thomas a glance and he looks right back at me I grab his hand and we open the door and walk through it. The white light shone brighter it was so bright we had to cover our eyes then once it went away we saw Thomas and I laying on 2 separate tables holding hands. I felt Thomas's hand grip mine tighter I looked over at him he just had a look of shock on his face. 

    "What do you think they were doing to us?" He asked quietly never looking away from the sight I let out a sigh and looked back at us laying on the tables.

    "Nothing good I can tell you that." I said and once again there was a door with a white light shinning through. "Let's go" I said pulling his arm but he doesn't budge he just continues to stare at us a single tear running down his cheek. I walk over and wipe it away with my thumb. "I'm going to go see what's through the door come when you're ready" I say softly giving his shoulder a soft squeeze I walk over to the door before I walk through I look back at Thomas. Then turn my attention back to the door and shield my eyes and walk through. When the light dims down I see me yelling at Thomas.

    "No! I can't keep doing this I can't keep watching them die, I knew this whole W.C.K.D. thing was bad in the first place but nobody listened to me except Minho! Not even my own brother, well  I'm not sticking around I'm going to the maze."  With that I walked away  I didn't even notice the tear running down my cheek until it fell onto my hand which was covering my mouth. I saw the next door and started making my way to the next door. I walked through and in this one guards were dragging me and placed me into a giant pod.

    "LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!" I yelled banging my hands against the glass but no one moved  then the pod started to fill up with water, I saw panic rising in my eyes and I look over and see Newt fighting the guards to try and get to me.  I look back over and the water is already filled past my head I continue to pound onto the glass. 

   "LET HER OUT!" Newt yelled but the guards didn't budge I look back over to me and I am motionless and my eyes are shut. "NO" Newt screams and drops to his knees then the guards punch him and he's out they start to drag him out then a doctor walks in and walks to a screen with my vitals and brain waves. 

    "She looks to be more promising than the last 2 new plan put her on the work force" the other worker nods and hits a button and the water starts to drain and the pod opens up and I fall onto the ground and start coughing and gasping for air until I have a steady rhythm. The doctor smiles and walks away. I head to the next door and walk through without looking back, in the next memory its back to being Thomas and I. We are working on something I walk closer to see what we are working on, then I feel someone come right beside me I look over to see it's Thomas I can see some dry tear marks on his face he gives me a slight smile and we both turn our attention to see what's going on in the memory. 

    "Oh my gosh Thomas it-it's the maze, were making blue prints for the maze." I look at him with a shocked expression upon my face. Then we look back at ourselves, they are starting to talk about it. 

    "Do you think this will be hard for them to figure out?" I ask showing him the design I had made for what I'm assuming to be one of the sections. 

    "Nah they should be fine, remember Ava said it's not suppose to be easy, they are trying to study their brain patterns to see what makes us different." 

    "You're right I just hope they find out that the maze is a code, it's the code for them to get out." I say then the memory freezes and fades away leaving Thomas and I in a black room. 

    "Thomas h-how could we have helped them, we helped them torture our friends, Gally, Minho, Chuck... Newt" I said tears starting to stream down my face, Thomas came over and hugged me I latched onto him and buried my face into his chest. 

    "I don't know but what ever happened we did together, you're not alone in this, you always have me. I love you." He said resting his chin on top of my head.

    "I love you too"

    I gasped for air and sprung up from the bed, "The maze is a code" I said gasping Minho who was sitting in a chair next to me stood up and looked at me. 

    "What did you say?" He asked with a huge confused look on his face, then Thomas sprung up and screamed and gasped I laughed and look back over at Minho.

    "The maze is a code, it's our way out" I said he just looked at me with total shock. 

Hey guys! Thank you so much for your patients with me, and thank you so much for 26.4k reads! Wow that's crazy, I hope everyone is staying safe and is healthy and I hope everyone had happy holidays. Once again thank you all so much for all the love and support, I love you all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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