Chapter 2: I did it to save him

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    So its been about a week since I came to the glade which is what this place is called. And I finally remembered my name and it's y/n. I've also made some great friends Newt, Chuck, Minho, Alby, Frypan and I'm starting to warm up to Gally. So I was still trying to find out what job, yesterday I was with the slicers  and I didn't really like it and today I'm going with the Trackhoes and Newt seemed really excited that I was with them today.

    "So you ready for your day with the Trackhoes." Newt said with a huge smile cracked on his face

    "As ready as I'll ever be," I said unenthusiastically. So we headed out to where the Trackhoes work. "So what do you want me to do." I said looking really confused.

    "Well you could start by digging holes, then put seeds in them love" he said turning a little bit red and having a big smile on his face. I was kind of shocked by what he said but not really I mainly thought it was cute. A couple hours passed then the lunch bell finally rang and we all ran to the kitchen, when I got up there I shot a cheeky smile at Frypan. Then after I grabbed my bowl he returned a cheeky smile back. So I started walking to my table and I didn't see Newt, and Chuck didn't feel well so he went back to sleep. "Well guess I'm sitting alone today." I said kind of sadly, so after about 5 minutes someone sat down across from me. I look up to see Gally sitting there.

    "Hey....Gally....Why are you sitting here with me and not with your friends." I said cautiously trying to figure what he was doing.

    "I-I'm worried, scared." He said with a look of distraught in his eyes so I knew he wasn't kidding.

    "What's wrong?" I asked really concerned

    "It's Minho, he said this morning he was saying that his ankle was bothering him but he ran in the maze anyway." He explained looking really worried, then I got up leaving my bowl still a quarter full. Then Gally gripped my arm and pulled me back having a tight grip on my arm I tried to get out but I failed to do.

    "What are you doing?" He asked me

    "I'm going to go tell Newt about Minho" I said.

    "NO YOU CAN'T!!" He yelled filled with anger, a tracking the attention of some gladers but not enough to make a big deal. "I promised Minho I wouldn't tell anyone." He said

    "Then why did you tell me?" I asked a little more relaxed with a confused look on my face.

    "Because you're his best friend....And I trust you." He explained he had a small smile on his face

    "Ok....I won't tell anybody." I said smiling back, then he loosened his grip on my arm and I sat back down and started eating again it was silent for the rest of lunch then it was time to get back to work. I went back with the Trackhoes and I saw Newt walking to the Trackhoes.

    "Where were you at lunch?"I asked as I slightly punched him arm

    "I'm sorry love Alby needed to talk with me about something, I'll sit with you at dinner I promise." He said with a huge smile.

    "Ok" I said lightening a little bit with a smile, so we worked for about 5 more hours and then the dinner rang, and as he promised Newt came and sat with me. Then about 5 minuets Gally came over to me and asked if he could talk to me alone. So he pulled me over and we talked about Minho.

    "I'm starting to get really worried and I know that you are to, I think we should just go and wait by the entrance because I'm not that hungry and I don't think you are either." He said and frankly I wasn't really that hungry so we walk over to the entrance and sit there for about 10 minutes then.

    "What the BLOODY HELL is going on here" a familiar british voice said angrily. I looked over at Gally and he shook his head.

    "Nothing is going on Newt, I swear" I say trying to calm him down but it wasn't working he was just glaring at Gally with a really mad look on his face. By this time there was a huge crowd around us and Newt, Gally, and I were sitting in the middle. So we just all sat there for about an hour an a half and by this time Newt had calmed down a little but was still really mad at Gally. Then a huge gust of wind hit us and the doors started to close. And I look over at Gally who was already looking at me and both of us had the same scared expression of both our faces. Then I see Minho come around the corner but he was limping really badly. Then when the doors were about 20 feet apart form closing I decide to run in and Newt and Gally both try to grab my arms but fail to. Then I get to Minho and I see his scared expression on his face and I grab his arm and pulled him to me and I pushed him threw the doors before they closed. The last thing I saw was Newt's face filled with fear, and worry he was about to cry. But the doors closed, after the were finally sealed all I could think about was how I was going to get back to Newt. But I was now stuck in the maze for over night and no one has ever survived a night in the maze.


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