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[Ino's PoV]


I woke up and fell out of bed do to the aftershock of whatever caused that explosion. I ran out of my bedroom and into my dorm's kitchen. My windows were cracked and my roomate lay dead on the floor.

"W-what the? Itachi?" I tried to shake him even though I knew he was gone. "ITACHI WAKE UP!!" I cried. What the fuck is happening? Why is Itachi shot dead? Why are there explosions? Is this a dream? Am I alive? 

My dorm room burst open to show two good looking men: One with pitch black hair and onyx eyes that I knew had to be Itachi's brother, and another with such blonde hair it looked yellow and baby blue eyes.

"Why are you still here? All the women were evacuated hours ago." The blonde said. I just shook my head and cried over my roommates dead body.

"Oh my kami... Itachi..." The black haired boy fell to his knees in front of his brother. 

"How did this happen?" He asked. He had tears in his eyes but kept his voice strong. I admired his bravery, his brother is dead before him and his voice doesn't even crack.

"I-I don't k-know I-I just woke up to a-an explosion and f-found him out h-here l-like this." I managed to stutter out. The blonde checked for a pulse.

"He's gone. He took one to the head." He said with a sigh. "We gotta get you outta here. It's not safe anymore." He said turning to me. I nodded.

"If you don't mind explaining, what the hell is going on?" I asked. My best friend is dead, my room is crashed, two hot teens show up in my dorm room with guns, is this some kind of joke? A dream? Hallucination? I don't know, but I don't want it to be real. It can't be real... Can it?

"Japan has declared war with America." The goth one said.

"We need to get you out of here. If they find you they'll make you fight." The blonde said grabbing my wrist.

"Wait! Can I atleast know your names?" I asked yanking my wrist away from his grasp. The onyx eyed one sighed.

"Uzumaki Naruto. This is my bud Sasuke. Now we gotta go." He said grabbing my wrist. He led me out of my dorm room without making so much as a peep in the process. He went to the door and held it open, leading me out into the street that was demolished and abandoned. He walked over to a sewer and pried up the lid.

"Come one. In." Sasuke ushered me. I looked at him in disgust.

"What the- FUCK NO THAT'S A SEWER!" I said a little loudly. Naruto covered my mouth with his free hand.

"Shut the fuck up. You're gonna get us caught. The sewers are clean, Gaara soaked up everything with his sand." I hesitated. Finally, Sasuke jumped in rolling his eyes at me. I finally jumped and Oh my Kami.... They have a full on MANSION in the sewers!

Naruto walked up to a door and held his thumb up to a blue pad.

"Thumbprint authenticated: Welcome back, Naruto." I stared in shock. What. The. Actual. Fuck.

"Come one, in." Sasuke basically pushed us inside. I looked around to see a pink haired girl, a long brown haired, white eyed boy, a blonde haired green eyed spiky haired girl, a EXTREMELY fine looking red head, and a cat man.

"Naruto, who's this?" Asked the pink haired girl.

"Oh shizzels. I just remembered I don't even know your name." Naruto said scratching his neck. "Anyway, me and Sasuke went looking for his brother and found her in his dorm. By the way, Itachi's dead." The girl nodded and turned to me.

"What's your name and are you interested in joining the Konoha 11?"

"Yamanaka Ino, what exactly is the Konoha 11?" I asked them.

"We're a government rebellion group helping to defend America. They did nothing, yet Japan had to go and declare war." The girl said rolling her eyes.

"I... I guess?" I shrugged. It sounded cool. I always wanted to be part of a gang. The girl gave a soft smile and extended an arm.

"Haruno Sakura. Welcome to the Konoha 11."

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