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[Ino's PoV]


She gave me a warm smile and extended an arm towards me. "Haruno Sakura. Welcome to the Konoha 11."

"Your room is in the same hall as the rest of ours." Sakura said leading me down a hallway. All the doors had names with stickers on them:

Tenten & Neji
Gaara & Masturi
Sakura & Sasuke
Shikamaru & Temari
Asuma & Kurenai
Kakashi & Anko
Dan & Tsunade
(Don't be all like 'He died!'. You'll see)
Kiba & Tamaki

There's a lot more than 11 people here!

"Here." Sakura said handing me some stickers. They were purple letters and I smiled because purple is my favorite color. I took out the letters 'I-N-O' and stuck them to the door, placing a few flower stickers along with it.

"The people who share a room are couples, just so you know. The only single guys are Sai, Naruto, Kankuro, and Shino and trust me, you don't wanna date Shino." I nodded and opened the door to my bedroom. It was plain, but I would decorate it.

"What am I gonna do about clothes? I can't stay in these all day." I asked Sakura. She smiled a closed eyed smile.

"You can wear mine till you have some of your own." She said happily and I nodded sitting on the bed.

"I'll leave you to get settled. Bye now!" She shut the door and I fell back onto my bed, almost instantly falling asleep.

[Naruto's PoV]

I wonder where Ino went? She never came back after Sakura showed her her room. I decided to go check on her. I walked down the hall until I found the door with purple letters that spelled out her name. I knocked lightly and there was no response. I opened the door to see her fast asleep on her bed. Her short blonde hair was in a ponytail and her bangs covered her face.
She looked so cute like-... forget what I said...

"Pst, Ino... Ino wake up!" I said shaking her slightly.

"Hm? Oh, hi Naruto. Go away, I'm napping." I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon. I wanna show you around." I told her. She groaned.

"Just relax for once. It doesn't hurt to sleep, ya know." She snapped. NoTeD- ShE'S NoT a MoRnInG pErSoN.

"Ugh, fine." I said collapsing back on her bed. After about 5 minutes of laying there she rolled over and laid on my chest. I blushed furiously and my heart started beating quickly. Why am I feeling like this?

I knew I wasn't getting up for a while, so I just relaxed. I think I relaxed to much though, because I fell asleep on her bed.

[Sakura's PoV]

"Hey, where's Naruto?! HE DIDN'T MAKE BREAKFAST!" I said furious. My boyfriend shrugged.

"Saaaaasukeeeeeee." I said seductively. I saw him tense.


"Will you. Make me. Breakfast?" I asked sweetly.

"Ugh, why are you always so hungry?" I giggled. Does he wanna know why?

"You're not ready to know why." I crossed my arms. He looked at me suspiciously.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I giggled.

"Make me breakfast while I go find Naruto, then I'll tell you." 

"Hn... I saw him go back to Ino's room. He never came back. That was about 5 hours ago." Sasuke hinted me. 

My eyes widened. "You don't think they?..."

"I honestly don't know with that dobe."

I went back to Ino's room and peeked the door open to see Naruto and Ino-FULLY CLOTHED, THANK KAMI- sleeping peacefully in each other's arms. I shut the door quietly and ran back down the hall to the kitchen where Sasuke was making sasuges.

"Sasuke, I have a new ship."

"Oh my kami did they really hook up?" He asked worriedly.

"No, no, no. They did fall asleep together though, and I totally ship it! We'll call them... NaruIno! Yes!" Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Great, now we got NejiTen, GaaMastu, SasuSaku, ShikaTema, AsuKuren (Is that their ship name?!), KakaAnko, TsunDan, KibaTama, and NaruIno. Here" He handed me a plate of sasages, bacon, eggs, and pineapple.

"Yummy! Thank you Sasuke!" I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"So...... What were you gonna tell me?"

"Oh, that. I'm pregnant."

And then Sasuke fainted.

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