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Author-chan: OMG! We're almost to 100 reads! *does weird ass happy dance*
Naruto: Author-chan, can you just get to the story?
Ino: Yesh! I wanna see what happens with Naru and I!
Author-chan: Ugh, dumb blondes *rolls eyes*
Naruto: *eye twitches* What'd you call us?!
Ino: *takes out frying pan* RUN OR DIE AUTHOR!
Author-chan: *runs away* SASUKE, NEJI, SAVE ME!
Naruto: *turns towards audience* Author-sama doesn't own Naruto or it's characters! Only the NaruIno story line!
Ino: Hai! Now let us kill Author-sama!

[Naruto PoV]

After endless begging from Hime, I finally gave into looting. I didn't want to though. Why can't she take Hinata? Or Tenten? Hell, I wouldn't have minded if she took GAARA.

"Naru, you ready to go?" Ino asked as she came out of the bathroom that was attached to our bedroom. She walked to the safe and opened it up to get out the guns and ammo along with a few smoke bombs we kept there.
She took out the new .44 she got and loaded the bag with ammo and I smiled at her.

'My girlfriend is a total badass.'

"Let's go." She nodded and we went to the entrance to sign out on the board. The board was made to keep track of who was in the base wand who wasn't. If a person was out of the base for more than 24 hours, we usually sent a search team out after them. Not a lot of people were out of base right now, not surprisingly.


Sakura: Base
Sasuke: Base
Neji: Base
Tenten: Looting
Hinata: Base
Kankuro: Base
Gaara: Base
Masturi: Base
Kakashi: Looting
Anko: Base
Jiraya: Base
Tsunade: Base
Dan: Base
Shikamaru: Looting
Temari: Looting
Shino: Base
Kiba: Base
Tamaki: Looting
Choji: Base
Kurenai: Base
Asuma: Base
Sai: Base
Naruto: Looting
Ino: Looting

We signed out and walked outside. Everything was almost the exact same as when I brought Ino to the base the first time. It's funny really, she was such a girly girl, always asking Sakura for crop tops and short shorts, now, she wears almost nothing but my hoodies, sweatpants, and occasionally she'll wear a pair of jeans. Today, being one of those occasions. While I walked behind her she lead the way stealthily around the streets.

"Naru, what about this place?" She pointed to an old store that was called 'Dunhams' and I nodded because they have her type clothes there. Ino and I walked in and-just as I thought-they had her exact tpe clothing. Sweatpants and workout clothes everywhere. Everything in the main part of the store was pretty torn apart, so we decided to head back to the stocking area. Ino opened doors and looked into every room, as did I. Finally she opened a door and I heard a gun cock. 

On quick instinct I ran towards Ino and jumped in front of her. I looked at the person who had cocked the gun: He had spiky brown hair, deep brown eyes, and had a headband protector on. He looked to be about 15, maybe 16. There were 3 other kids in the room who looked about his age too: One had weird blonde-ish red hair that stuck out in two directions, she also had pretty dark eyes and wore a green vest with brown shorts. There was another boy, he also had brown hair, he had round glasses and kind of a snotty nose. The last one was a fair skinned girl with straight brown hair and lavenderish eyes like Hinata and Neji's.

"Who are you and how did you find us?" The kid with the gun asks.

"My names Naruto, and this is my girlfriend, Ino. How'd you guys manage to not get caught?" I asked.

"Not 15. Luckily we're only 14." Hm. They seem older.

"Alright, well, who are you guys?" I asked.

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