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[Ino's PoV]

Once Naruto and I knocked out everyone in the base-minus Sakura and Sasuke who claimed they needed to be awake for the baby-Naruto went back to sleep for another good 7 hours.

*Ino's Dream*

I walked through the streets with my favorite pistol in my hands, Naruto was behind me. We stalked the streets in low positions looking for food.

"Ino... I love you." He whispered. 

"I love you too, Naru, now keep quiet will ya?" I said it in a 'best friendly' way even though... I know I felt more...

"Ino..." He sounded like he was gasping. I turned and almost fainted.

Naruto had a knife sticking out his stomach.

I dropped to my knees in front of him.

"N-N-N-Naru-u-u-t-t-to......" I watched him die before me.

*Ino's Dream ends*

I sat up gasping. What the fuck, brain?! Why'd you make me have that dream?!

"Ino? Are you okay?" I realized I was in Naruto's arms and relaxed. He's not dead, thank kami!

"Y-yeah. Just a nightmare..." He nodded and relaxed. No matter what he did, I was always comfortable to him. He made me feel comfortable. He made me feel loved. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't love him as more than a best friend. I blushed at the thought-dating Naruto, holding hands with him, kissing him on his whisker marked cheeks all the time....


"Hm... yes shin'yu?"

"I-I.... I love you." I looked up at him slowly and saw he was as red as Sasuke's sharingan. Before I knew what I was doing I had put my lips on his. He kissed back, to my surprise. Sparks of electric went through me as our lips moved.

Unfortunately, oxygen is needed to survive. And I couldn't breath with Naruto this close to me.

I broke away from him and blushed. He smiled and pulled me into him, putting his face into my hair.

"I've waited 3 months to do that." He whispered into my hair. I blushed and dug my face deep into his chest.

"So Hime, does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" I silently nodded and nodded.

"Can I go back to bed?" I asked him. He chuckled and sighed.

"Yes, Hime, you can sleep." He said stroking my hair.

And everything was perfect for that one moment....

Until Neji, Sakura, Hinata, and Tenten decided to ruin it that is.

"WE SMELL SEXUAL TENSION!!!!!" The shouted bursting into the room. I threw the closest thing I could find at them-which just so happened to be my biggest frying pan. Neji was capable to dodge it but unfortunately it hit Tenten right in the front teeth.

"Ow! Ino what the hell you bitch!" Neji was furious.

"Control your fucking girlfriend, Uzumaki. Or I'll make sure to kill her myself." Neji and Tenten left leaving a grinning Sakura and Hinata.

"NARUTO AND INO, SITTING IN A TREE! K-I-S-S-I-N-Ging! FIRST COMES LOVE! SECOND COME MARRIAGE! THEN COMES THE BABY IN THE BABY CARRIAGE!" Sakura shouted, making everyone come into Naruto and I's room. I threw Naruto's orange frying pan at them and it hit Kankuro in the head.

"So? Did it happen? Did y'all fuck?" Asked an overjoyed Tsunade.

"Leave, please." Naruto said with a groggy voice.

"Fine! But you're telling us everything later, Ino-pig!" Hinata said going out the door.

"Yeah, whatever." I was half asleep. Kakashi shut the door and I heard Temari squealing:

"THEY ARE SO KAWAII!!!" I sighed and snuggled into Naruto more. He kissed my hair and my cheeks blushed a light shade of pink

"Night, Hime."

"Night Oji."

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