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[Naruto's PoV]

Ino's been with us for about 4 1/2 months now and she's undeniably our strongest member. She's a black belt, actually, so she's a really good fighter. We're even best friends now, even closer than Teme and I. Yeah, ya know how usually only the couples share a room? Well, Ino and I kinda broke the rules and we both live in my room.

Sakura is HUGE now, she's supposed to pop any day now. I'll be godfather and uncle to Uchiha Sarada! Cool, right? And Hime-chan's godmother! Hime's so pretty....

"Shin'yu!" I heard a voice shout. I turned to see none other than my best friend running towards me. She was wearing a baggy white t-shirt with spandex shorts that showed off her booty and I glared as Jiraya looked at her with hearts in his eyes. He pouted and looked away.

"What's up Hime?"



"I SENSE SEXUAL TENSION!!!" I glared at everyone who shouted- Tenten shouted first, Choji second, and Neji shouted the last one. Shocker. (Note sarcasm) Ino rolled her bright blue eyes and looked up at me with them.

"Will you come loot with me? I need clothes." She wanted to loot this early? Ugh.

"Can we at least take the Noon Nap first?" Yes. We take naps every day at noon like toddlers. Weird, but it's a tradition now.

"Yeah actually. I'm kinda tired." She jumped on top of me and held on by my neck.

"Carry me."

"Ugh, troublesome." We heard Shikamaru mutter. I glared at him and he shrunk.

"Anything for my Hime-chan! Believe it!" I picked her up bridal style and went to my bedroom.

[Sasuke's PoV]

Why don't they just date already?! It's obvious Ino has feelings for him! I watched as Naruto carried Ino down the hall to their bedroom and kicked the door open with his foot. I smiled. Sure, Naruto was my rival, but he's also my best bud, and I've haven't seen him this happy since Kushina and Minato died....

"SASUKEEEEEE!!!!!" I heard a shrill shriek. I ran back to the bathroom followed by Hinata and peeked in to look at Sakura and her huge baby belly.

Only there wasn't a baby belly....

There was a baby OUTSIDE the belly.

"Who... I... what............. TSUNADE!!!!!!!"

"What?! What do you- OH MY KAMI SHE PUSHED THE KID OUT!!!" Kakashi came running in the room and Sakura and I were crying of happiness. She looked just like me, even her hair style (He has the look he has in Boruto: Next Gen) And when she blinked a few times I saw he eyes flash red.

"Oh my god she has it!" I said shocked with happiness.

"Has what?" Kakashi asked.

"She has our Sharingan!"

"What?! She does?! Lemme see!" Kakashi shoved me out of the way and looked at his granddaughter, who's eyes were glowing red. She blinked again and they went back to their regular onyx color.

"Oh my god she really does!"

"Someone go get the Love Birds!" Said Sakura. Everybody looked at her as if she was an Akatsuki member trying to twerk.

"Are you kidding? Don't you remember what happened last time I tried to wake them up?" Neji shivered.

Flashback no Jutsu!

Neji knocks on the door to get Naruto so they can go loot. "Naruto? Wake up!" There was no response. He walked in and saw him and Ino asleep in each others arms. He walked to the bed and shook Naruto. 

"Naruto wake up." Ino and Naruto's eyes opened at the same time and they slowly sat up from the bed with killing intent rolling off of them in waves.

"What. Was so important. That you woke us. From the Noon Nap?" Naruto deadpanned. Neji gulped.

"S-Sasuke wanted me t-to w-wake you because w-we're going to loot..." Their eyes flared in anger.

"YOU WOKE US UP FOR THAT?!" Shouted Ino. "YOU GET 3 SECONDS HYUGA! RUN OR DIE BITCH~!" Neji ran from the room screaming like a little girl and Ino and Naruto chased after him with frying pans in hand so that they could beat the Hyuga.

Flashback no Jutsu ends!

"What should we do?" Asked Tsunade

"I don't know... I don't feel like getting beaten."

"What's all the commotion?! YOU WOKE US UP FROM NOON NAP!" The other members of the Konoha 11 turned to see two angry blondes with frying pans and serious killing intent.

"Um, Sakura pushed the kid out?" Tsunade questioned her excuse. Everyone knew that no excuse was an excuse to wake the two blondes from their nap.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU WOKE US UP FOR?! THAT'S A HORRIBLE EXCUSE!" The godparents shouted in unison. Everybody sweatdropped at the two, even Sarada who didn't even know what was happening.

"5 SECONDS! RUN OR DIE BASTARDS~!" Everybody ran from the room and the blondes started the chase.

"I like the bastard part. When'd you change it?" Naruto asked Ino as he hit Kankuro on the head, making him go unconscious.

"Hm.... Not sure. It just sounded right." She said as she knocked Jiraya out.

"That's for checking my ass out earlier!" She shouted. She paused.

"Wait. Sakura had her kid?" At this Naruto paused to, then shrugged.

"Guess so, but they still woke us." He said crossing his arms and pouting.

"Good point." She smiled a bright smile at her best friend and they went to find the group that woke them from their nap 5 hours earlier than what they should have.

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