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[Sasuke's PoV]

"What the? What happened?" I looked up to see Sakura and Hinata gathered over me.

"You fainted when I told you I was pregnant." Hinata froze and very slowly turned to face Sakura.

"I'm your best friend.... you're pregnant.... AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!" I just fainted again.

[Naruto's PoV]

I woke up to the sound of yelling coming from the kitchen.

"-AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!" Hinata? Oh boy, she gets as mad as Choji when someone calls him fat when she's mad.

I slowly got up from Ino's bed trying not to wake her She looked so content. Adorable, real-...forget what I said...

She shifted around uncomfortably before resting again, but this time with a scowl on her face. I reached down and got the bangs out of her eyes.

"I'll be back, Hime. I just wanna see what's up with Hinata." I smiled at her and left the room.

"Hinata I-I swear I was gonna tell you after I told Sasuke!" Sakura said in fear. I looked around: a very scared Haruno, and very mad Hyuga, and a sleeping Uchiha. 3 things you most definitely do not see everyday.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE GONNA HAVE A BABY?!" Oh, so they finally found out? 'Bout time.

"Oh, Sakura, you finally told them about the baby?" I asked happily. Before you ask-no, I'm not the dad.

Hinata got even angrier.


"H-he found the pregnancy test in the trash can! It's not my fault I'm bad at hiding evidence!" Sakura hid her face.

"What the hell is going on?! I don't like being waken up!" I looked to see Ino with bed head, she looked pretty ridiculous.

"SAKURA IS PREGNANT!" Hinata yelled at the top of her lungs. Suddenly all the other members-Even Neji and Tenten, who you could tell we just making out by the drool on their chin- came running into the room.

Kakashi looked furious, being that Sakura is his daughter and all. Yeah, that's right, her dad.

"YOU SAID YOU'D WAIT TILL MARRIAGE!" He slapped unconscious Sasuke awake.

"What's happening?"



Ino laughed and went back to her bedroom, and for some reason I had the great urge to follow her so I did. She got to her bedroom before me and closed her door. I opened it without knocking and flung myself on her bed, and she did the same.

"Don't you have your own bed?"

"Yeah, but yours is comfier."

"Fine, I'll just go sleep in yours then." She got up and went to my bedroom to sleep. But then I remembered....

mY IcHa IcHa PaRaDiSe BoOk iS oUt In ThE oPeN!!!

I ran down the hall to my room and thankfully Ino had passed out on my bed without looking or touching anything. I quickly hid Jiraya's novel under my mattress and laid on my bed with Ino.

"You really are a bed hog, aren't you?" Ino asked. Her face was smashed against a pillow so it sounded really weird.

"No, I just don't like sleeping alone."

"Oh so you're a man of one night stands? Fun." She said sarcastically.

"No, I mean Hinata usually falls asleep in my bed. She helps me deal with the nightmares..."


"Well, night Hime." I said turning the bedside lamp off.


"Yeah. Hime. Princess."

"M'kay. Only you're aloud to call me that though."


"Night shin'yu." (Shin'yu means best friend)

"Night Hime."

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